We're All In This For The Money

I've read some article's on here that ask why we're only in it for the money, I've read people's milestone posts (God I hate those) that say they started out on Steemit for the rewards but now it's because they love the platform and the community and enjoy blogging.


The fact of the matter is Steemit would be a quiet lonely place if we didn't get rewarded.
Those posts to start out with are only written because the author is hoping to make big rewards. Hell I've done it, we all have, it's a form of brown nosing, kissing Steemit's ass hoping to get a few upvotes.

Everybody is guilty of this!

By all means getting rewarded for our work it makes us enjoy it more. I'm sure there are plenty people out there that love posting content, I do but it's thrill of seeing your work being upvoted and seeing the reward value go up that's what excites us about Steemit.
Not the love of blogging and the great community!

You can see this when people write these articles and then all of a sudden they are ranting about how they don't earn anything, how the whales only vote for each other and are only out to suck as much of the reward pool up as possible.....JUST FUCKING STOP!!!
So fucking what if they are, so what if your not intelligent enough to earn rewards, it's no one's fault but YOURS!!


Oh and don't get me wrong Steemit does have a fantastic community but in general the majority of us are money hungry lions fighting for our share of the reward pool.

Now before you all think I'm having a big rant about people's posts or the moaners and complainers, I'm not, I wrote that as a clear and honest introduction to what i'm about to tell you all.

Steemit is brand new, only just over one year old it's not even gotten started.
There are so many money making opportunities on Steemit you just have to use your brain and tap into them.
The potential to make a lot of money on Steemit is huge!

You have to come up with something brand new, not just follow the old money making schemes they've been done and people already have that corner of the market taken.

Just look at all the ideas people have already come up with.

Photography trails
Writing trails
Lotto games
Role play games
Plain and simple competitions
Give aways
And so on

All of these are cleaver people that technically have created a business on Steemit.

You may think how are all there things actually money making schemes.

Well the trails get you to follow them and then upvote their own posts using your vote for themselves. They also post articles that's all your work and you vote for it and share it making them even more money!

The games and the competitions, they make money by getting you interested, you see rewards up for grabs and are drawn to their pages upvoting like crazy often far exceeding what's actually being given away!

Randowhale not only gets 2 SBD from you but also earns alot from curating your work.


Just look at the marketing.
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Ok so Steemit is also very good to help people as we've seen recently, as a means of donating but that aside Steemit it is all about earning money.

Just use your head and tap into niche that hasn't been done yet, put your thinking caps on and you too will make money, potentially a crazy amount of money.

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