More followers equates to more upvotes?

Steemit followers upvotes.jpg

It's all great reading of steemians celebrating their first 100, first 200, first 500 followers but it makes me really wonder if more followers actually equates to more upvotes or more accurately more eyes and views on their postings.

Don't get me wrong, I am sure many are doing well with incredible support from their followers eagerly waiting for their next post of great content. But from my personal and short experience here, I am not getting much traction from my over 300 followers, I would consider myself lucky if any of my posts actually caught 10 pairs of eyes. Last I checked, the little attention I am mostly getting are not even my followers.

Ok, maybe it's the content, perhaps it's not good enough... But ain't followers following because they actually liked my content?

Then there's the "aha" moment, I am feeling that most of these so-called followers are following because they want followers themselves and by following me, they were expecting me to follow them even though not blatantly expressed. Most are more interested that I will see and support their content rather than actually interested in mine.

So what I can gather is as a rookie, a minnow, someone who just came on to the scene, unless you are already some superstar on another plaform with a decent following, it's highly unlikely that more followers would in reality translate into more upvotes or even eyes on your posts.

Unless followers are gathered organically, they are mostly just numbers. There is no need to go around at record speed posting comments like, "I upvoted and followed you, please do the same for me." or "Follow me and I will follow you." That, my friend, is a major turn-off to those who have been around for even a while.

Yes, there is little to no good having a huge number of followers who ain't really following, except that the numbers look good on your blog ;)

So concentrate on what you have to say, it's your blog anyway, and don't care about how many followers you actually have because if they like you and your voice, they will follow you. That follower, in my opinion, would be of much better value and way more meaningful :)

Now let's see how many of my over 300 followers even see this, I remain hopeful and wish I'm all wrong about this but I'm definitely not holding my breath while waiting to be proven wrong ;)


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