Hello my lovely steemians! BIG NEWS TODAY!!!

I feel like we need to come up with a word to call you all. Any suggestions on how we can cross call foodies and steemians into one word? Best comment will be upvoted and I will follow you! So get thinking!

BACK TO HUGE news!!!!!!!! 

After my live show I'm excited to announce that I am bringing amazing Youtubers/ Chefs/ Bloggers into Steemit. I will introduce them one by one and it mean the world to me if you could give them a big warm welcome and follow them! I have given them my advice and told them to explore the platform, check out what other people are doing and start building their reputation and leaving meaningful comments.

First I want to introduce Rus - he is from a youtube channel called Smoky Ribs. I met Rus online through youtube community a while back when I was a tiny channel and he actually messaged me and offered to help out and collaborate! It was amazing help at that time so I really wanna welcome a truly genuine, nice and kind person into steemit! Rus specialises in BBQ and grilling, he has some mouth watering recipes! Rus has nearly 100,000 subscribers!

FOLLOW RUS HERE : @smokyribs

Second I want to welcome Bobby - from my flavcity here! Bobby is such a great guy, full of charisma, passion and dedication. We met at the Tastmeade back in the days when Facebook was just starting with videos. Bobby does healthy prep meals and loads of other easy, yummy recipes.  Bobby has 300,000 followers through Facebook + youtube!


Third. I want to welcome Vincenzo from Vincenzo's plate. He is one crazy Italian man living in Australia. We also met through Tastmeade and remained friends and helping each other throughout tough youtube years. Vincenzo does amazing and the way Italian food - I am yet to try out all his delicious goodies. Vincenzo has over 135,000 followers combined with facebook. 

FOLLOW VINCENZO HERE : @vincenzosplate

4. Jac from vegetarian baker. Jac and I met and talked many times over last few years, he is such a sweet humble and lovely person. He does vegetarian and vegan food and super healthy recipes. Jac helped me to get into another platform called Nom which at the time helped us both through hard times, but that platform shut us down and we were out of work again. Jac is awsome and defiantly will bring a lot to Steemit. Jac has 65,000 k followers on youtube and Facebook.

FOLLOW JAC HERE : @vegetarianbaker

5. Victoria is such an incredible, strong and determined Russian woman. She is married to her partner and they both have a food cooking show. I think Victoria started with other recipes but now has her niche. They have amazing  son who is also part of their show. Please welcome them! She has over 30,000 followers on social media.

FOLLOW VICTORIA HERE :  @lovinglifefam

6. Ivars- we have met recently just few weeks ago, but I have been talking about steemit pretty much all the time. He is an ex athlete who specialises in body building and has competed in loads of competitions. He probably knows everything about the body, how it works and how to lose weight and get in shape. He is actually from latvia so warm welcome To him. He is such a lovely, down to earth and kind person. He will bring so much knowledge and fitness stuff to steemit.

FOLLOW IVAR HERE : @ivargereiko

7. Sasha from Totally Sasha. I met these guys because we both live in England and we helped each other through hard and easy times on youtube. From my knowledge Sasha had to stop his passion and wasn't posting on youtube anymore as it wasn't possible to survive on that alone. I hope he will find his spark here. He has 20,000 k followers across his platforms. 

FOLLOW SASHA HERE : @totallysacha

8. Tess is also a Youtuber who does food and we have spoken briefly over the years and supported each other channels. She reached out and said she has joined steemit so I wanted to welcome her here too! She has over 50,000 k followers on her social media platforms.

FOLLOW TESS HERE : @tesscooks4u


So here we go guys!!! Amazing 8 new huge bloggers and influencers joining steemit! 

Who I hope will spread the word further and bring in more people. I have given them guidelines on how to start and what to do, but it would mean the world if you could help them with their first posts! They will do an introduction post tonight so welcome them with all your STEEMIT LOVE :) 

The total following of everyone combined is = 700,000 k FOLLOWERS

I am very excited for them to start and add value to our community!

Lots of love,
Alla xoxo


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