I thought what should I write on #steemit. and it's not an easy answer as you might think

Being a long time social media user, I know that to write for my personal friends on FB - jokes, memorabilia about my last life, when we were all together before our exUSSR lives separated us into small pieces and spread around whole our planet. Also, I can post there my photos and photos of my family members, which would always likable by people, who were with me on all my life steps. I also know what to post on my numerous FB business pages and Instagram accounts.

By here, on Steemit, the time in my life, I ask myself a question "who I am". It's not about my multiple social roles questions, like: if I'm a good mother? If I deserve my husband or if I'm really good as a UX designer?

I always tried to hide me-inner under cliches-labels, like: daughter, mother, wife, my professions; but all of them never answered on a question who I am. My life gave me a lot of lessons that I need to hide my inner feelings, never talk people my thought and never share my plans.

But I started to uncover me with my recent introduction post, in which I'm the first time post my real picture. And something happened inside me: it looks like I started accepting myself. I always feel young and careless, but posting my photo put me under choice pressure; would you accept what you are 47 and probably you already lived a bigger part of your life, or you would continue to play in childish games, as you did these all your previous life.

I looked around me.... and I decided to accept myself: accept who I am, accept my age, accept my whole life.
I feel like now is a one critical moment which can completely turn my life and I'm glad Steemit for the questions which I started to ask myself. Now, after all those questions, I cannot play a role in others theaters, but I can be myself only.

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