Guide to Finding Inspiration in Everyday life (Great Content everywhere you look)

Time and time again I see posts that mirror each other in both title and content. I have fund that these articles are what I would call a "dead dog article", meaning there is no more life to it after it has been seen over and over again. Like the news, it is a first come first serve with that Breaking news story, it loses its appeal after it has been broadcast all over the place. Being Genuine is huge in making something people will want to read and making sure your facts are straight and you are not just spewing lies to get attention.

Inspiration is all around you and not all stories need to be about news and funny pictures. The wind, rain, sun, moon and all other elements in life release a plethora of ideas for great content. What has the day brought you, that guy begging on the corner you pass a million times has a story to tell, i'm not saying put yourself in danger, but explore your surroundings and find the story of life that is everyday. Starting out as a new writer I had the hardest time finding things I thought people might want to hear, when one day on a trip to the lake, it was weird that the breeze picked up and the way the sun shined off the water gave me this mass amount of information to write, it was then my job to put it in order and jot it down.

Look around there is a story waiting to be told.:)

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