I’m gonna keep this short to match the average attention span.
Today went great! So much knowledge was dropped!
@broncnutz brought some OG surprise guests, who you will soon see here on Steemit! He also shared his crazy story of how he got involved into cryptocurrency when BTC was $8 and all the crazy things that have happened to him since then, as well as his opinion on going from Crypto to Precious Metals!
@lpfaust showed us some of the best Witnesses that he’s gotten to know, since he first joined June last year. He also explained to us how we can start having more Steemit Meetups in Colorado! You can check his page if you’re looking for awesome Fiction Contests, hilarious satire, and much more!
@intuituvejakob shared his incredible journey of recovery and healing from Stage 4 Cancer, and how he tranformed into a psychic medium, looking to create a sustainable community in Ecuador! You can hit him up for free readings and much more.
@briandenver shared a lot about search-engine optimization, gown steemit plays a huge role, and how he has been pioneering on other social medias and “buying the dip” on almost every type of investment possible!
I showed up, helped where I could, and tried to soak up as much knowledge as possible. I’m so excited for the next meetup! Please feel free to comment anything, ask any questions, and let us know what days/times may work for you for the next potential meetup, which will most likely take place in Denver, Colorado in a couple weeks!
There are many of you here in Colorado and we are looking forward to meeting you!