115 Votes Given In A Single Day! - I Overstep Myself!

It was late evening yesterday, almost midnight when I noticed that number telling me how many votes I gave for that day. I couldn't believe my own eyes. 115 Votes! I think I've never before given so many votes in a single day as I did yesterday.

115 Given VotesImage source: Own work with a Screenshot.

How and why those 115 votes?

The thing is that several days ago I posted an article that received a significant amount of comments. As I sincerely appreciate when I see people mind to leave some meaningful comment not only that I don't like leaving them without the reply, but as well I like to reward them.

That's why I always try to upvote those comments, no matter if they are left by my regular followers or just occasional visitors to the posts that I create.

Of course, I have some filters. Meaning, I don't vote for every single comment left or better to say, I don't vote for fishing comments such as it would be: "Nice post!" "Follow me!" "Great info!" "Nice sharing!" "Interesting topic!" "Fun topic!" and similar.

I also don't vote for comments in which the member would leave a link to their posts or blog (by his/her Steemit username signature). Come on, give me a break! If you commented, we all see your profile picture and your username, there is no need to type it in the comment as well.

Spam signImage source: Pixabay. Credits to AndyPandy for spam-stop-sign, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

I also ignore comments that don't have anything in common with the article I wrote, or it could be clearly seen that the member didn't read it at all but just picked something from the title or first few sentences to post some entirely meaningless comment. In fact, I'm more willing to downvote than upvote all those fishing and meaningless spammy comments.

But yesterday, despite all those filters there were still a decent amount of more or less relevant comments which I wanted to reward with my upvote. I made some quick rough calculation of the approximate percentage range in which I should scale my votes not to entirely drain my voting power but still make those upvotes of some value.

I was going through the comments, replying to most of them and upvoting them but I didn't count them. That's why I was so surprised when I saw the total number of votes I managed to cast in a single day.

OK, they were not all comment upvotes. I for sure voted for about 30 posts as well, but around 80 of them were just for those who left a comment. But, you know what?!?

I'm not the only one who rewards the readers that way either not the only one who have the same or similar filters to ignore (or even downvote) the fishy and spammy ones.

Think about it next time when you write your comment! 😉
Comments might be equally rewarding as posts if you mind writing meaningful content related and relevant ones.

Posted on Tuesday, January 16, 2018

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