The SteemIdeas Website - Official Announcement and Link [Steemit random post generator for ideas]

I created to generate Steemit posts' ideas, using different sentences and random related words.
You can visit the website here:

How it works

The website takes some random sentences like:
Surprising Facts about (topic)
Then chooses a random word as a topic.
Depending on the Author’s style (the actrivist, the philosopher, the anarchist, etc) different words on different topics will be generated.
A related image is displayed and the option to search on Google, Google Image and on Steemit about the generated sencence.
Also an image credit that links to a related article.

Tags and Categories

Currently only some tags and authors are active, there is also a quite limited number of sentences and words.

Technology behind it

The website uses PHP connected to a MySQL database, where sentences, topics and all data are stored.
It also uses jQuery Mobile to be adaptive and to work fine not only on PC, but on all mobile devices.
It is currently Beta version

The Character Generator

A separate section of the website generates characters’ ideas for visual artists.
It basically mixes different animals, creatures and situations to inspire for a drawing or a painting.

Feedback and Contributions

Any kind of feedback, criticism and contribution is welcome, just let me know in comments!

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