Pounded Steemit Doors With Open Sesame Mantra Until Y'all Let Me In!!!

Dear fellow Steemians,

I'm IN!

I mean it.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

And I AM IN!!!



But now, you know what comes next, right?




Plurk. ;)

What should be #1 on my list is to do a proper, longgggg, introductory post.

Maybe later, when I've gotten some sleep.

It's 4:42am, EST here in Jamaica and I'm way too excited to sit and write a more serious post right now.

So that will be #1 when I'm more rested and... not jumping up and down so much inside with excitement to be finally IN here on Steemit!!!!

Up until this post, I've been commenting a bit and upvoting some posts. Some by a few peeps I knew before like @peggyhazelwood and @katebenzin. I just, just, just followed two other author buds, @garyharvey and @joannereid and I'll upvote some of their stuff later.

Other posts I've commented on and upvoted were by complete strangers. I found them while scrolling new posts at https://steemit.com/created

BUT between the trending and new posts, I saw soooo many that I wanted to resteem that I got totally frustrated. I wanted to write the very first post and the effort it was taking to NOT hit the Resteem button was way too much.

So I decided, hell or highwater, I HAD to get my first post DONE!!! A post. ANY post!!!

Hence this kinda intro one you're reading now (Thank You!), that should probably be a proper long and more serious introduction, but isn't. And that's ok.

And now, I'm going to finally eat my dinner from last night that has been sitting, covered, calling to my rumbling tummy.

I've been soothing tum-tum with hot ginger tea but I'm really hungry now and I've posted my very first few words, with a couple pics too, so I can force myself to stop long enough to eat and relax a bit.

Talk soon.... and Happy Sunday wherever you are in the world, Steemit Fam... Stay Blessed.


PS Maybe my next 'by me' post will be about my changing headers on this first day of my Steemit journey. I think the one that's now up is the 3rd or 4th.

It's one with some tall Redwood tree trunks with lovely light playing with shadows in the forest. BUT I've already decided it's going the way of the first few. So look out for what's coming next... ;)

PPS btw, if you enjoyed this share, please upvote and resteem.

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