Begging comments.


I've become increasingly annoyed by comments I've seen on posts by myself and others that simply say something like 'follow me back!' or 'I upvoted you, please upvote me back'. No. I won't.

If you want me to follow you or upvote you, then create quality content. Engage me with meaningful comments. If the best you can do with a comment is 'follow me back', it really puts me off looking at your profile. Because if you can't produce a quality comment, why would your posts be any better?

It isn't hard to write a meaningful and engaging comment. I have dyslexia, and my spouse also has it, and she has English as a second language. So we are very tolerant of bad English and typos. I will try to understand you.

Begging is lazy and just looks like spam. It seem like a bad marketing tactic in any case. Quality comments help build community. A meaningful community, not just one aiming for quick upvotes and payouts for no work. Most of these begging comments bare so little relation to the actual post they may as well be bots or mass copy pasted.

I might start flagging it, to discourage the behaviour. Not sure, what do others think?

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