Finding my way Through Steemit


According to my steemd I have been on steemit for 176 days. When I first started I had no idea what I was doing it what I was going to do. I just knew that my irl friend @rawpride had found this cool new way to earn crypto.

Well my first few posts sucked. I was lucky to maybe get $.08 a post. I quickly realized I needed to make friends and alies if I was going to succeed.

That's when I started seeing the tags for groups. One of the first people I was following on steemit was @michaeldavid. Finding him was like finding the rabbit hole. I had no idea at the time...

Then surprise surprise I started seeing posts about the 2017 steem silver round. This led me directly to #steemsilvergold who welcomed me with open arms. That's when I met @thedamus, @GoldenArms and @phelimint who led me right back to, what had become known as, the family.

As for the rabbit hole.... I remember asking to join #thealliance. Someone, who is now a good friend, told me No! Ok, ok, he told me I wasn't quite what they were looking for, yet. But since I was new he would keep an eye on me and offered plenty of guidance.

I then became one of the first "trainees" and the first one to graduate to full member. My posts have gotten way better thanks to all kinds of mentors, most notably @enginewitty, @topkpop and @Tattoodjay. I've even worked with the awesome @bmj and @nainaztengra over in qc to help keep the standard of quality high!


Then today I got a ping on discord to find this waiting for me! No way! I seriously was in disbelief. As far as I'm concerned this is the highest honor a member of #thealliance family can recieve! There are some great steempeeps that held this honor before me. It makes me happy to know I can hang with some of the Greats!

This might be the longest post I ever wrote but I felt it was relavent! Thank you to the whole family at the #thealliance I honestly don't know if I'd still be here without all of you! 😁

#thealliance and #steemsilvergold are the best and I'm still thankful to have found them! Also shout out to everyone over at #steemusa πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ another awesome group of alies!

Also the super awesome support account @tyedyefirepower


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