The Power of Helping New Users


This might be how a lot of new users start off..


One of my closest friends @casperbd created his Steemit account a few days ago. Today we both finally had the time to have a chat with him about how Steemit works, how to create a post, how engaging is the way forward etc. He took all the advices and together, with my tips and his content he created his first two posts. You can have a look at how the posts turned out here;

New to Steemit - Greetings From Seoul - Home of Gangnam Style and Solo Travelling Through Vietnam - Pictures Recommendations #1dufour succes.png

Because @casperbd created original content that adds value to the Steemit community by for example recommending places to visit in Vietnam, the posts had great success. @acidyo and @wackou showed great support to this new user by upvoting both posts. Thank you for helping my friend getting started.

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"Help, I need somebody!"

This Beattles tune might be what all new users are thinking when they first join. Before new users drown in the huge ocean of posts, they need guidance and help. I am no way an expert, but even my help is actually worth something. I found out today. If we just take our time and help them just a little bit, they will be forever grateful. I helped @casperbd by picking the right topics for his posts, and just telling him about the markdown guide. Just these two tips/informations helped him tremendously.

Help others if you want to help yourself

We all want the STEEM price to moon. We all want to get rewarded by a 1.000 dollars. We all want to be able to post pictures of our cat and earn just enough money to buy another cat, so we can double the reward next time. If we help others gain success, we automatically help the community which we are all a part of. Comment on post that use the wrong tags, and teach them. Comment on posts that are good and show your support. Like this, we all help Steemit to grow.

Don't underestimate the power of helping new users.

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