Being Curated on Steemit is An Awesome Experience!

Three days ago I decided to share to Steemit my almost 3 year old article. Thank God someone found it and curated it. It went boom! and is still on the trending page. (Thanks @curie and @randomwanderings)

Now what have I learned from this experience? First, let me give you a short background. This post is gonna have some namedropping. Lol.

How I started...

@pinay is the "culprit" for my joining Steemit. Haha. Thanks to her I finally joined the site in December last year. And then when I got here, I realized @junebride is here as well as other long time Bitlanders members. Whoa.

Now what was I missing that they are all here I wondered. And so I tried it out. I got active only last month though because I finally had the time. Working two jobs is tough! No more.


Great risk = great payoff

As with any investment, you get more from what you put out. If you only give a little you only get a little. Put in a little fiat into Bitcoin and you get interest back to that little bit. This is true with everything. (Oh man, if so, then when we tithe big it means we get more blessings too? Wait imma write a separate topic on that.)

After trying out upvote/resteem buying and writing some random articles and joining some contests (where I won some), I was thinking "How else should I earn more on this site?" Since I felt like I still wasn't really making much out of my earlier posts, I thought of my old articles, one of them about Game of Thrones (GOT).

I wrote an article in 2015 and never really got to post it online at all. Because it's been sitting in my hard drive for years I thought why not try and post it here and see how it goes. Hopefully I could earn a lot from it. I was also thinking, I would probably have to remove it from Steemit, even if it's gonna be saved in here forever, if it didn't do any good. That was my thinking because my article is a quality post. I hold it dear in my heart. (Haha.) I mean, if you create something of course you'd feel the same as I do, it's like your baby.

The Experience

After a few minutes, I decided to submit my article via There I was looking at my submitted GOT baby and seeing it only got one vote after a few more minutes. My vote. Sad eh? And then someone commented and voted after less than an hour, and then another one commented and it made me feel bad and stupid. So I stopped checking for a while and promoted my link on hoping someone else would find value in it. (This is what Steemit does to desperate minnows.) sigh

Afterwards I spent my time writing a blog on the other site and got distracted and watched some videos related to my blog post and some such. Then I remembered to check on if my bandwidth was up and whoa... there were a lot of upvotes! What's going on?!

steemit got upvoter.jpg
(My screenshot of my

I checked on my baby GOT and I got SHOOKT.

(My mobile screencap of

It was suddenly showing $119! Omg. And it had more than a hundred votes. OMG again. O_O" And I saw @hendrikdegrote upvoted my article. OMG. I was ecstatic that I almost jumped up and down or cried from joy. How shocking that my quality post was appreciated by someone, enough to make it go trending. Thank you again @randomwanderings.

What I've Learned From This

Truly then, with the @curie initiative and other curators who promote quality articles, it really pays to write good content and share them to the world. Thanks to the creators of Steemit that finally my articles have value.

Not all articles of course have great value and will be curated by big fishes like Curie. It seems like posts have to be relevant to the times as well. If you want to make it big here, you have to know how to play the game. However if you're just like me who at times just post whatever I feel like posting and hope the right people see it then that's okay. It's not too bad at all.

With what happened, I have come to realize that of course there will be segregation or Steemit member types. Those who use an army of bots and pay for upvotes and those who get upvoted and curated for quality content.

Now of course I am not saying any of us who write good or bad content are not supposed to pay voting bots. It is up to us what we do here on Steemit. It's a free site after all. Do what you want or follow the trend. We are the ones who make our own luck.

My Verdict on being curated

It's a great experience, but it also makes me kind of anxious because, I have new followers now. My followers have grown to 272 as of this writing. My thoughts now run from "Now what should I write about?" or "Should I keep doing such articles from now on?" and some other thoughts.

Now I feel like I should be responsible to what I post because I have been curated. People might expect more quality posts from me from now on right? Oh boy.

So here it goes... on to the next stage of being a Steemit minnow. Thank you for taking the time to read my posts and upvoting me. I shall do my best to upvote and resteem the best articles I find from now on. Soon when my voting power is bigger I shall drop some juicy upvotes to those deserving ones too.


P.S. I just realized I got curated by @surpassinggoogle back in January for my post on not knowing what to do here on Steemit. Lol. I just didn't realize I was curated at the time because I didn't know what a curation trail was back then. Whew.

So thanks to him as well because it made me feel like I should continue Steeming on even then. :)

All rights reserved.
Written by @artgirl for Steemit
© Art x Stephanie Rue

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