➡Steemit's Fb + Twitter Accounts Are Pretty Dead. Let Me Revive Them By Becoming Community Manager!⬅

Dear Steemit community,

It has come to my attention that the Steemit Twitter and Facebook accounts are pretty much dead.


As you can see in this post from @vlemon


Now this I think is a waste.

We have a golden opportunity here to do quite a few things and it is not being taken.

Just think of the brilliant posts that could be shared on these social media.

Or simply the fact that the new users who are coming to the blockchain (who are obviously going to check the FB and Twitter profiles) are seeing that there is a complete radio silence on the official social media channels.

Doesn’t look good does it?

So I have a proposal for you.

Let me do a bit of the work.

I used to be a freelance social media manager for a range of companies.

So this is what I have to offer:

I will post amazing posts written by our fellow Steemians that are having an impact on our community.

I will retweet good posts that I feel deserve to be seen more.

But most importantly, I will interact with the people who come to the profiles.

I will make them feel seen.

I will make them feel heard.

Especially the baby minnows who have a gazillion questions on how things work.

I know where they can find the information they are looking for.

And if I don’t, I sure as hell know a lot of people who do!

And in return, the social media channels will grow organically and our platform will look alive and thriving!

I am a sharer.
And I spend most of my online Steemit life interacting with people, helping them out and spreading posts around that I feel deserve to be seen more.

This ALL comes naturally to me.

And this is also why I would enjoy being partially responsible for the fb and twitter accounts!

And even though I myself am a very personal, emotion-filled human being who is unashamed of being her weird self online, I promise to keep it official and ‘business’ on your social media channels.

Plus I wouldn’t abuse it to promote myself or the projects I am involved in.

Isn’t it an idea to have a few people who are responsible for keeping the profiles active?

I know a few great Steemians who I’d think would also do a good job and wouldn’t abuse it for personal gain.

So @ned, steem devs or anyone else that can get this post in front of the eyes responsible for the official social media channels, please consider my proposal.

I would ABSOLUTELY love to do it.

My heart and soul is invested in Steem(it) and I would love to have this opportunity to give back to the community!

Please please please think about it.

With all the Steem in my heart,


Top photo is made by @rubenalexander who will be getting a slice of the payout from this post!

Made by the wonderful @stellabelle


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!

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