🦄Transitioning Towards Fulltime Steemian! Challenges I Am Being Faced With And How I Deal With Them🦄

As I am steering my life compass towards becoming a fulltime Steemian (YES IT IS HAPPENING!), of course I get tested by ‘life’.

This is only natural.

Apparently, life doesn’t like change.

Because challenging things are popping up in my experience.

I am being challenged.
Being faced with obstacles.

Because The Universe (Or God or Allah or Buddha or Energy or whatever your choice of word you like to use) is testing me.

To see if I REALLY REALLY REALLY want this.

This being a fulltime Steemian.

Made by @anabunescu who’ll be getting a slice of the SBD from this post!

Here's what been happening.

So I have been telling people that I am transitioning towards having a crypto-only income (via the steem blockchain mostly and other avenues which I am researching) for the past week orso.

And of course what happens is that I get a letter from the tax-guys telling me that I need to pay a pretty fat sum of money for my tax.

This completely bites into income so much that I don’t really have any savings anymore which I was keeping in case of emergencies.

Well that’s gone now.


And then technology decides to fail on me.

My Iphone has been acting up for a while but it seems to be slowly dying now.
It’s just a matter of time really.

But worst of all really is that my laptop has made the decision that it’s going to start acting really difficult and make it quite hard for me to use it.

It keeps on shutting off.
Even when I have the power plug in.

When I am using it, it freezes and I can’t do anything.

My beloved laptop is also slowly reaching it’s death too.

And all of this is happening whilst my savings have been eaten up and I am taking the (scary) leap towards fulltime Steemian citizenship.

Yeah, it looks bleak doesn’t it?

It may look like my life is falling apart but in reality, that’s not what is happening.

It is cracking me open.

Getting rid of old baggage so I am reborn into a new phase of being.

Out with the old
In with the new

The test doesn’t lie in this happening.

The test lies in how I handle the situation.

Am I upset?
Am I getting angry?
Am I frustrated?


I am easy with it.

I know what’s happening.

I know that I can worry and stress about this.
I know that I can move into scarcity modus and start running after every single cent so that I can ‘make sure’ that I am okay.

But I am not.
I do not need to.

I am in loving space.

I am trusting this process.

I am allowing this to happen.

You will find no unhappiness, anger or frustration here.

You will find me honouring this process and loving it.

I am chirpy happy bug as I let this all slide over me.

Thank you for the test Universe.

You’ve become pretty good at bringing up challenges in my life.

And I have become really good at seeing the lessons in the challenges and learning from them, and staying in a positive space.

Here’s to the Universe testing my limits to see if I really want this.
Here’s to staying in abundance and in love.
Here’s to me becoming a fulltime Steemian.

BIG love,


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My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!

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