Open Letter to @matttrainer: Sorry to say This, but Mogul Is A Scam..

Dear Matt, Im referring to the post you made here


Matt, I've listened to your live webinar.

And i'll listen to it again. here. (Thanks @thedegensloth for painstakingly listening and recording the whole conversation)

No, not because i like it. But because I can learn many things from you. Many things which i currently don't have the skills yet. I admit.

I have learnt in life that the best way to know how to defend yourself to to learn how to be offensive.

To identify scams, One must know how to scam. It's a skill i wont use, that i will swear by my integrity. But a skill i will benefit by learning from you. By learning to identify how a Scammer scams.. what he says, the tricks he uses.

but without already having those skills, I will say now why i KNOW your product is a scam;

  1. $49,999 for an online product is RIDICULOUS! what value does it has? how does it differ from other personal development program?

  2. You said that your program is "endorsed" by the Steemit devs. We'd know what our Devs says. And they DO NOT ENDORSE your program. you outright lied to your webinar participants.

  3. You incessantly avoid crucial questions. Where is your supposed "Gold Contract"? what is the protocol on your KARMA KOIN, how to you avoid double spending.. these questions were asked one way or another. All of them unanswered by you.

  4. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY $99 Dollars for "access to Steemit". That is outright scam. There is another term IRL (in real life) called Ticket Scalping. I cant find a better term to described what you did.

  5. First day on Steem, and you called someone an "Asshole". NOT COOL!!

  6. What is this supposed "Game". Did you have a developer at all? $49,999 on a beta product sounds too steep dont you think?

I'm sorry @matttrainer, I wont judge you personally because i dont know you. But your product, Mogul, is a scam.

I will stay away from it like the Plague.

image by Pixabay

you can ban me from your game. But my message is for all to see. And you cant ban me on Steemit.

I'm @awesomianist

Stay Awesome

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