The Libtards Have Arrived

The Libtards Have Arrived 

  "Minnowsupportproject"   has come out with at set of rules for anyone in the group.  It's always worrisome when a group of people get together, and go around telling others what to do.  Do we really want people with different views to be shut up? I think most of us want to be free to say what we want, about whatever we want. We don't need people flagging our posts because we used the word "guys" instead of "people" or whatever word is acceptable with the progressives nowadays. If steemit is to get as big as I'm sure all of us would like, its extremely important we keep it free of censorship. So how do we stop this from happening?  One way would be to avoid joining socialist groups who promise things like upvotes if you join them. 

 I know what your thinking.  "oh, you don't want censorship yet you want to stop the freedom of groups to speak out".  No, that's not what I'm asking for.  I'm just using the freedom I do have, in the hopes no more people join that group.  I'm not going to flag them or anything because I believe everyone has the right to say what they want.  Just like I hope I don't get flagged for speaking my mind, but we all know the libtards wont let this go unflagged. so again, what can we do about censorship?  I think steemit needs to get rid of that fucking flag. Its no good for freedom of speech.  Fuck the flag and everything it represents.  These groups who seek to control the content on steemit that gets popular should go back over to facebook with all the other liberals and injoys the censorship of any other views.  This platform was made by freedom lovers, for freedom lovers who believe in a fair and free market.  As for the evil group, dont join.  If they get a big enought following, anything and everything they as a group dont like wont have a fighting chance.  If your part of that group, you should think long and hard about what your helping promote.  Lets keep steemit free of controllers who seek to censor.

If you look at the comments in this post you can clearly see the Libtard/socialist group came out in full force to shut me up.  Problem is people like me don't give a flying fuck about the money, and don't get scared off that easy.  

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