Curation Counts! I say it again because it is true and here are my Short Form Reasons why:

1/ a) As you can see in this chart from one of the stats pages ( ) --- I am continuing to RS (ReSteem) and Curate other peoples' content regularly in the community even though many people just complain it clutters my newsfeed.

This chart shows a pile of Steem/SP/Curation rewards all coming in together. So as I've said many times, Curation Counts!

b) Good content clearly rewards everyone. A byproduct of being an active Community member .

I didn't make the system here, and it is not fixed yet separating the "my own posts" items from the "items I've shared/resteemed" - so honestly - quit complaining. Just stop.

2/ - You cannot please everyone and I want good content resteemed and in the newsfeeds, and I believe the system this way weeds out some of the crap that really does not add value to the community. I am not here to argue what does and what does not.

3/ Some people reblog/resteem nothing at all or hardly anything of others unless they know them etc. That's their prerogative and this is mine. I don't care who you are, if you have good content, it should be recognized, and rewarded and this is just my Minnow way of helping others and helping YOU -- find what I think is good content.

4/ My content does not get resteemed or shared much and I know that -- but I still want to do my part and help add value, to the community and your newsfeeds. I am trying.

For everyone that continues to chat with me, help me, laugh with me and Resteem my content even -- I am grateful for you - even though I may not catch everything here - every day.

-- Just know that.

Thanks for reading.

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