STEEMIT FAMILY! OUR PLATFORM CROSSED A HUGE MILESTONE ABOUT 13 HOURS AGO!! And we are all here for it!!! Complete overview + Update from my post Y-day.

So we crossed over into the 300,000 Steemit account threshold around the ~1:30 am range EST about 13 hours ago!

I am a numbers guy and always looking at stats and Crypto etc like many of you. I did not see anyone online discussing the 300k mark, so yesterday ---- I blogged on it and captured the screenshots leading up to it in this post!!


Later in the day, I noticed a few people had picked up on this post or stat --- and saw a couple other posts on it spreading the word.

I got online late today struggling with some some health issues but here around 2:30 pm EST ---- you can see we have long since crossed that 300k mark, like I was tracking last nite --- happened likely around the 1:45 AM - EST slot, very early this morning right around that 1:30-1:45 am EST slot like I was saying.

Here below is basically the rest of my post from y-day, with the wording and screenshots and timestamps so now it is all together in one post showing the before and after leading up to this occasion!

We are sitting right now at 299,867 accounts!! ( 7 pm, EST - Aug. 5th )


We've added a few accts since I started this post, I keep refreshing the page LOL.

I love me a good Milestone Post, we know that!!!!

Just about 5 hours ago -- when I was updating my personal stats for a Milestone Post ---- look how many accounts we had as we march on!

299,666 accounts as per earlier today! Right now as you can see we have 299,860!!

I did my stats at about 2 pm today, and went out to do some physio. I got back to do this post, as it was on my mind and it is 6:30 EST now and we are up to that 299,867 number.

-- so in about ~4 hours today we added another ~200 accounts.

By my math if things continue, then in the next 3-4 hours, we will cross the 300k barrier for accounts here. Meaning around 9 or 10 pm EST today, August 5th, 2017.

If you want you can check all the Steem Stats on that here -

EDIT --- hours later again now at 10:53 pm EST ---- we are soooo close now at 299,942 accounts!!


EDIT 2!! --- 90 mins later after LAST update again now at 12:13 am EST ---- we are soooo close now at 299,974 accounts!!


That was about 30 accounts added in ~90 mins.

I am a numbers and stats freak, LOL.


So again, that means around 1:45 am, we will hit the 300k mark!!!

Our friend here @enjar made this for me this weekend, give him a follow, he is a beaut.

Solid community guy that helps us all reach milestones here together as a community and family!

When I keep saying:

We can do more, if we help one another.

I actually mean it. I help others here. Others have helped me.

-- it is what family and community do -- in order to grow and prosper, in all areas of life and -- Crypto!!

We must always head towards the path of Liberty. And help others on this path.


The Philosophy of Steemit:


Build a Community. Help One Another.

Blog. Comment. Find Good Content.

Get Paid.



Encourage each other. Kindness. Community Building. Welcoming all Steemians with no Class Distinction. Friendship. Relationship Building.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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Images most days unless noted or obviously mine / stated otherwise: Gif's - via , Funny or / Pixabay.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
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