Time for a #SteemitStrike by Content Creators and Daily Users who actually make this Community what it is? Bring your Harpoons, the Whale Flag "Experiment" failed YUGE and here's why.

#SteemitStrike -- Whales flagging regular users not right.jpg

#SteemitStrike - official hashtag. Why don't we stop posting altogether as a community until Sunday nite the 19th 8 pm EST?

How is that for an experiment with actual boundaries and timelines actually listed? Since the whales could not figure out anything similarly on their own fairly and within reason?

This Downvoting by whales experiment is just not going to prove anything, it is not working.

@ned @dan / @dantheman ---- Many of us have commented saying similar things, is this really what you want and how you want people feeling for what you have built?

You get 3-4 whales that UV your post at limited power..... and you get 5 of the TOP whales all DV you with their massive Steem Power at - 10% and it does not counter the other whale votes, it drives the value of the post and reputations, WAY down further, past the comparable % of other whales.

Why bother posting any decent content on here with this flawed logic? I see all kinds of people leaving for a week, posting crap on purpose, talking about this failed mess, and really, this is about US -- the content creators, the community members who DAILY post and work hard on here, encouraging people, adding VALUE here. Without us, this place collapses, with no content and community..... it will be the top 50 whale accounts, all owned by the same core of maybe 12 people.

  • And what we all were told we were coming to, and loved, will have a real quick reckoning of what is working and not.

Remember this awesome post in the last 2 weeks by one of our own, look this title up! It was a great post and warning!!!

Not all whales are participating, the data is flawed from the start, and the %'a ages here are all out of what as you can see in the blockchain and by my comments.

Where is the incentive for daily users trying to build community here to comment or post at all?

Flawed tests and data in life, don't help anyone.

If mid sized whales UV a post, then it should be countered with the SAME % of DV power, not more heavily weighted whale Downvotes, and I bet some of the whales DV the rest of us regular people building this community as minnows, who clearly post a lot, work hard, comment a lot, build others up, where is the intelligence for those sweat equity hours we put in?

The same whales will be UV their buddies, like usual I bet and most of the whales are not content creators, building this community but who cares..... drive off the people and the masses trying to onboard people and promote it across other SM sites right?

The whales will only have themselves left to chat and fight with while the masses, which are the key --- are driven off the platform, I will say again.

Good time to take a complete break from Steemit, the numbers will drop and they will have to admit their flawed logic and tests.

The new people here, who are learning, have no idea about all the issues and politics and whatnot and they are suffering too.

Hard working daily people on here are penalized for making good content? Really?

Flags are being used in ways there were never intended and it is driving everyone off the platform, incl. less and less posts by VERY good people, and key Steemit users and daily content creators.

Most of the whales create nothing on here for content, by and large, so they are out of touch.

This kind of stuff is removing the SOCIAL from this social network by a bunch of investor and tech types who often do not engage on here nor create and if they engage, it is often comments about why their votes and ideas and power here matter more than the masses, content creators, and onboarding of people - all of which has their INVESTMENTS suffer here

The rest of us -- have our investment on here in terms of time and labour. We did not program our way onto here here or buy our way in.

Social incentive and $ incentive is what everyone is promised on the home page when they sign up. --- Both are sadly lacking a lot of the time with all the DV, the hurt feelings, the clinical unfeeling approach by some of the whales - driving people and content off here.

I have posted before on this. People are already upset enough, so much whale logic is so very flawed. Not a lot of people skills clearly.

I cannot imagine @Dan / @ned / @dantheman are happy about a lot of this-- what they created being held in the wind by a handful of people claiming they are doing good.... but clearly NOT!

Check some of the whale votes for their buddies, like I said!!!

A week long or 2 boycott by all the daily users, key posters and content creators, would likely make some people wake up here. Everyone post on it - use the subject line, we all leave on the same day, and come back on the same day and THAT will impact the numbers and people here and THAT will be a real experiment with real numbers --- and accomplish a lot more than this skewed and flawed 'whale experiment' by a few.

Good Lord.

You Cannot Regulate Liberty..... Let us Encourage One Another

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

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