Dear Facebook Friends....

Over the years, in my line of work, I have collected activists, healers and artists into my circle. People I love, admire and miss ever since I came here on Steemit.

Today I sent this letter to some of them hoping they will come and join us.

I feel it's important to always offer support where, especially in a case like this, you are asking people to explore and start over on a new platform. Some of these people have a huge and solid followers base on Facebook and have no real need for Steemit.

I feel if they know they have a ready built community and support group, it will help them take that step.

If I can show them that Steemit is the answer to all our prayers - I am confident they will make the move.

Dear Facebook Friends,

I'm sure most of you have wondered where I've been these last few months since I pretty much disappeared from Facebook.

Well.... I found a better Facebook.

It's called Steemit.

On Steemit, instead of likes we have upvotes. We give each other money when we upvote.

Steemit is a public platform which means anyone can look up anyone's account and do an audit. It keeps most people honest.

Here is my account wallet.

It shows you how much I've earned so far.

One catch though.

No plagiarizing.

Straight Copy/Paste is frowned upon. In fact we have a bot called @cheetah that searches every post and cross checks the internet for similar posts, then comments on your post that it found a similar article and links the page.

Excerpts from articles online with a link back is permitted.

Every image (if not yours) must give credit (link back) to the source of the image.

Here on Facebook it's so easy to just take someone's work and share it. We really aren't held accountable so we don't make a practice of giving credit where it's due.

Here on Facebook we can just say blah and post it.

On Steemit. We have an eco-system that is user moderated in form of reputation points; rewards great content and in turn encourages creativity and further thought than just 'blah'.

I waited this long to tell you so I can get to know the platform and how it all works, so I know I'm not leading you astray.

This is only a short explanation of what Steemit is. There's much more to learn.

I'm sure you're wondering how it works; where the money comes from; how you get your little hands on that money.

And that's what this group is for.

I'm still relatively new myself, I can only offer you my knowledge up to my experience thus far. But my wish in this group is to create a community that will support and help each other grow in Steemit.

That's what I love about Steemit. Not only does it encourage creativity in all forms but it has a strong emphasis in community - every day you see people working together, helping each other out.

The future we all want isn't a dream. It's here. We just need to take it, embrace it and roll with it.

Steemit is still on its beta stage which means you will be one of first people to join. Imagine that. You're a pioneer ā¤

So... Who's in?

šŸ’— Arly

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