Steemit: The Digital Equivalent of Pissing Into The Ocean (and the rampant abuse)

I go through ups and downs on Steemit. I have had a hard week this week, so maybe I am just feeling it more than usual but I have come to the realisation that unless you've got tens of thousands of followers on Steemit, you can't get anywhere on this platform as it currently stands without buying votes.

I've been posting every day the past few days, all different types of content ranging from a wacky theory I concocted about Elon Musk being an AI program, right through to interpretation of news stories and everything else in between.

And the thing is, it's not like it's a secret or anything. If you want to get to trending or get votes, you have to buy them using bots.

And I don't want to come across as ungrateful, whiny or jealous either. I have written content that has received organic upvotes, it doesn't translate into fistfuls of cash, but I have been lucky to break $1 on a couple of my posts.

But there are a few bad apples destroying Steemit, even people posting content under the guise of wanting to cleanup and improve the quality of Steemit, allegedly.

Case in point, this post titled, "Need suggestion To Make Steemit Alive For Long Term" doesn't really bring anything useful to Steemit and ironically the most useful thing about this post is a comment left by someone else which actually has some good suggestions.

The author of this post spent almost $450 USD on voting bots to vote it to the trending section where it has been sitting for a couple of days now.

For the record, I personally have nothing against voting bots if it's for high-quality content, but this isn't a high-quality post at all. If you have a high-quality post and you want to promote it, by all means, use voting bots. If it contributes to Steemit in a positive way, pay to promote it.

I can tell the author has put very little effort into the post, it is littered with basic mistakes that any free spell/grammar checker like Grammarly would immediately flag. Just for laughs, I copied that linked post into Grammarly and it found 80 critical mistakes.

But not only that, the author actually contradicts himself numerous times. A few of these are not in the order they're written in the original article, but given how poorly written and formatted it is, that doesn't really matter.

The main problem these days are a trending page . Every one with a shit post is going to trending page.and it make a very Bad impression on steemit site.

I will give you a moment to knock your head against a hard surface a few times until you suffer irreversible brain damage just so you can try and understand that sentence.

I think what the author is trying to say is, people are promoting shit content and polluting the trending page and giving Steemit a bad impression to newcomers.

If we are offering such high votes to every one who do not deserve the vote This way steemit life will end soon.And this way no one will get any benefits from the platform. We must think about the steemit success rather than our own success.

Wise words, my favourite part was this line where the author says, "We must think about the steemit success rather than our own success." - because nothing says I care about Steemit success like raping the reward pool by spending $450 USD on voting bots to promote your shit post to the trending page, right?

what i thought last night that If we should follow some rules here to make the steemit more secure and profitable for every one and give a chance to the new users as well we need to follow some rules and restriction.

Because nobody else has ever thought about cleaning up Steemit before now, why didn't anyone else think of this sooner? Thankfully we have @alishannoor looking out for us by paying to promote their brilliant ideas, otherwise Steemit might continue its decline into mediocrity due to poorly promoted shit content, oh wait.

We should place a limit on daily vote buying like one person will only be able to buy 20 SBD vote per post per voting bot {maximum}.

Absolutely, with exception of the author who is happy spending more than that to promote their own content though, right? Not everyone can write quality content like @alishannoor can.

If a Bot owner is 100% sure that there is some one who is the perfect author and he give quality stuff to steemit they can make a special list for those authors to allow them to buy an unlimited votes.But if they are 100% sure that the author is perfect one.

With quality posts such as this one, I am sure @alishannoor would be first in line to be added to every reputable bot that has a quality list for only promoting quality authors and content on Steemit.

By placing a limit Like refund amount on post having max "X" amount Of "STU" ,No one will get a post value more than 200 STU . ( if our limit is 200 STU)

How ironic.

I found most of the users are using steepshot and they are just taking a single picture and make it to the trend page this should be blacklisted if some one noticed that they are posting low quality pictures .

I agree with this. A lot of people are posting low-quality pictures onto Steemit and then buying votes to get them to the trending page.

You know what is so fucking ironic about this self-righteous author who clearly has gained his reputation solely using voting bots, is that he has the audacity to write an erroneous and poorly formatted post telling everyone else that they need to fix Steemit when HE IS ONE OF THE PEOPLE REDUCING THE QUALITY ON STEEMIT.

Oh, man, sorry. The irony in all of this is too much for me to bear.

If you think I am being unfair and targeting someone who is well-intentioned and doesn't deserve it? Check this post out: @alishannoor/testing-post-to-check-service-1518310079-5763469 - yep, posted by our dear old concerned Steemian @alishannoor. The content of this high-quality post reads:

Hello Dear friend i am just trying to post a testin post to check some thing i hoe you will not mind what i need to do is just a test for my software this So please donot get bothered with my Post ..


It's just a test post for testing some software supposedly, it earned $36.09 from 16 upvotes. This guy literally posts nothing but shit and it earns $36? I am not even jealous, I am mad. This is the kind of content the author is supposedly against.

While we are on the subject, would you like to see another quality post from our creative writing genius @alishannoor - look no further than this "high-quality" post about sewerage terms: @alishannoor/sewer-and-its-types-simple-definition - it doesn't even read like a complete article, it literally looks like he gave up towards the end.

This post earned $92.79 from 29 upvotes. Yet another example of someone abusing Steemit using voting bots to upvote content that is literally shit (it's about sewers), absolute garbage.

I can't help myself, do you want to check out another high-quality post from @alishannoor (I know you do): @alishannoor/every-thing-in-the-world-is-yours-if-you-gave-them-love - a post titled, "Every thing In The World Is Yours If You Gave Them Love" and it has a few lines of text and poorly taken photos of his parrot. It earned $193.91 from 39 votes.

Look @alishannoor isn't alone here, he isn't the only person dragging Steemit down with poorly written, effortless content being promoted by voting bots. But if you're going to go write a post about how to improve Steemit, look in the mirror first and make sure you're not part of the problem as well.

Who knows, maybe I will pay to upvote this post on Steemit as well.

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