Unpredictable Unknown Crypto

Crypto Unpredictable, unknown to me till I came on steemit platform. When I joint I did not have a clue of what steem was about. I had no idea what I had to do next. How I was going to do. All I was shown that I got a signing amount and I had to put nothing down. Secondly that I got to read what others are writing and upvoting their post in case I liked it and commenting on the article and that would accumulate rewards for me. After all this I continued to keep my unknown hopes alive.
My Observations:
Steem is working hard and together even with that constant dump we had down to .10 cents. I love how active it is becoming again, I have to say it was rather active enough but it took me too long of a period to understand the system. Steem is a newer currency and is a very unique one at that, which gives it this odd staying power that most coins don't get the luxury of having, on top of that, Steem will reward the active, useful members of the community, which is going to lead down many successful roads.
To joint steem and take the advantage of Unpredictable Unknown Crypto:
All you have to do is signup, post, upvote and the rest can be learned as you stay along, no wallets needed, no exchanges, no mess. Learn and Live.
Thankyou for reading. 

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