Why steemit (Other than a place for Good Quality Content)----Part I.CHARITY


Recently I have been reading many posts on why there is a need for good quality content on steemit for steemit to survive.There have been some complains that how the HF 19 has lead to more self voting and more low quality posts and comments.I do believe that Good quality posts will drive people to steemit,but will it be the only reason why people come to steemit??

What i believe is even if the quality of content reduces and even if there is irresponsible curation that will lead to garbage posts and comments reaching to the top,there is enough plus points that steemit provides that will drive a huge user base to steemit..

Ill be writing a series of post,each covering details on how steemit can disrupt that domain.For this post ill be discussing on how steemit will change the face of charity and how non profit organization functions..

I. Charity

When we think of doing charity the first thing we think of is the cause we donate to.Then we search for the those type of charity organizations.Mostly people opt for big organization such as WHO ,PETA ,UNICEF etc...Those who have an idea about local non profit organizations donate to them.How to we donate,by cheque??,by cash??,wire transfer??,PayPal??.All these organization have different form of payment system in place..What if i am in a country and am not able to donate via a wire transfer.Many countries in africa and asia have no systems such as paypal.What if i want to donate to 2 different organizations,i would need to make a wire tranfer to donate to one and paypal to donate to other.Many people do have a separate account on the different non profit sites to make a donation.What is happening now is that we are registering to multiple non profit organization's site for making a donation which makes it difficult for us to track our donation history and the causes we have donated to..

Steemit to the rescue

We know steemit to be a charitable site as we witnessed ourselves when more than 10k usd was raised for our fellow steemian darthnavas surgery.There are also various account who write articles and use the money made by the blog post as proceeds to a charity..Now how this would play out for the big non profit organizations.

What if all the organizations may it be global or local have a account here on steemit . Wouldn't it be easy and conveniant for all the people to donate using only one mode of tranfer to any charity he/she wishes to donate to.

Here are some points that will show why steemit can change the way we do charity

1.No need for registering on multiple websites for donation..
2.Can easily donate to any charity through their steemit account across all continents and countries,from global to local
3.Each country can have their relief fund account with donations accumulated over the years for emergency use in case of
wars or environmental disasters..People from other countries would be able to make a donation easily..
4.All events such as wars or disaters can be easily brought on the trending pages by upvote from the community and these
organization which will eliminate the delay that is caused in raising funds..

I have seen posts on facebook that read "one like =one dollar" ..with a cancer patient in the picture of the post and i thought there is now way one like will make them donate one dollar..With steemit 1 upvote can lead to a donation of one dollar.

I would like to hear your thoughts on my post and how you think steemit might change the way charity is done today..
If you think there are some advantages that i might have missed,please mention them in the comments..

If you like my post please upvote and resteem.Next post i.e part II will be released shortly.


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