Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #2 - The First Week In Kicked My Butt! Lost 10lbs so STFU!

Although it is technically the morning of the fourth day of my Keto transition, I'm trying to do this blog every Thursday so as to have a "throwback" feature in the future. Wow, that was rather wordy! One of the "side effects" to making a drastic food lifestyle change is your body will resist you at every turn. Perseverance is key here, keep fighting, you will win!

The Infamous Keto Flu


The Keto flu is no joke, on Tuesday I thought my life was over as the "flu" kicked my butt! Light headed, muscle aches, nausea, and an overall purge effect made me question my decision to do this.

Not killing me was your first mistake!


I thought "how am I going to survive the carbo withdrawals?" with all the crap sold in stores and restaurants. It turns out I have some really great allies for this epic battle...



The greatest invention in the history of humans...Not so great for the swine crowd. Sorry, but you taste soooo good. Thank you for your sacrifice. Little know fact about bacon, it's an appetizer AND an appetite suppressant. Yeah, really. I did lots of research on this. I ate one piece of bacon and I was super hungry! Twenty pieces later, not hungry any more. BOOM Science!

Ribeye Steak - "Beef. It's What's For Dinner"


If you prefer any other cut of beef, you are just dumb! jk, but anything above medium rare is an affront to the majestic beast that bravely sacrificed its short life for this war on carbs. I salute you my bovinous friend!

Eggs and our old friend BACON!!


This is pretty much my morning meal now. I know, I know, man cannot live on bacon alone. Bring a friend named eggs. There, no more loneliness. BOOM Philosophy!

Mega Salad!


I have always loved a great salad. Now, I get to have it every day for lunch, woo hoo! Field greens, spinach leaves, cheese, bell pepper, eggs, mixed seeds, and...wait for it...BACON!!! Again, thank you tasty critters for your heroic sacrifice. I lit a candle in your honor.


Pulled Pork


Costco has a huge package...of pork roast. I make a fairly unseasoned base and then "doctor" it to meet my creative flavor mods. Great in a variety of dishes that are Keto Friendly. Keep an eye out for a blog series on that.

Diet Mountain Dew!


OK, I get it...chemicals schmemicals! Look, no carbs and I only have a couple. Stop judging me :(



Keto allows the liver and kidneys to do their jobs properly. The purge of retained sodium and water is drastic the first week. Get used to it. I drink 4 - 5 liters of this wet stuff every day. Fortunately, my space at work is only a few steps to the restroom aka "The Office". You diet soda haters out there, shhhhhh, zip it.

In Conclusion, FINALLY!

I lost 10lbs in 3 1/2 days. Yeah, this works and I didn't starve to death. Miraculously, my blood sugar is stable again with NO crashes. Yes, my body is still calling me a "rat bastard" for doing this. He can go pound sand for all I care.

If you missed the first installment, which you did, here is the link to "Check Your Nuts!:


Kilroy as Here !¡! Steemin the Dream! If you like Steemit shirts, here is one:



All photos used in this blog are the property of the original artist where applicable

Titus, the original red nosed #steemypits


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