Feature to Enhance Steemit - Analytics


Following the positive response from my last post on this topic (view here) I wanted to discuss another potentially beneficial addition to the Steemit platform… a Steemit Analytics Capability.

For those who don’t know, companies like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn rely heavily on Social Media Analytics to guide their strategic decisions and enable them to maximise the value to companies who use their platform to advertise.


I’m not comparing Steemit to Facebook, Google etc. but I think leveraging the benefits of Social Media Analytics can only benefit a Platform such as Steemit. For Facebook, LinkedIn etc. the benefit of analytics are mostly reaped by Facebook and the companies that advertise through these platforms. However, in the case of Steemit, users will be the main beneficiaries.

What is Social Media Analytics?

Social media analytics (SMA) involves collecting data from blogs and social media sites and evaluating that data to make more informed business decisions.
Example of trends that are analysed include:

  • Visitors to your webpage
  • Post views (which Steemit already captures)
  • Type of content being viewed, posted, shared

While Steemit captures lots of data (the extent of which is beyond my knowledge), it is how Steemit uses that data or leverages its value that is important.

Why Employ Social Media Analytics on Steemit?

I see the key purpose of Steemit being to post and read high quality content AND ensuring the right content reaches the right people.
By understanding the content preferences of users through analysing trends, characteristics, interests etc., the objective of matching the right posts to the right people will (in my opinion) be achieved more efficiently and effectively.

So, how would I envisage an analytics capability sitting within the Steemit platform? One example would be a content preference profile for your followers, i.e.


The above graph could sit in a tab within your user account along with various other diagnostics that would enable you to target your content to the right people at the right time.


Another example is having links to posts that are likely to match your preferences e.g. newcomers might be notified about posts that help them learn about the Steemit platform.


To conclude, I feel Steemit would benefit greatly from a powerful data analytics capability. Content is the lifeblood of Steemit and anything that will enhance the efficient flow of content through the platform while maintaining integrity is winner in my book.

I would be delighted to get feedback on this from the @teamsteem and the readers of this post.

Thank you for attention.

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