Making a career on Steemit


I often find myself asking the question...

Where will Steemit be one/five/ten years from now?

I am new to Steemit but Steemit itself is very much in its infancy when you compare its journey to date with the potential so many of us see it having.

What intrigues me is the potential for Steemit not only as a community for sharing and rewarding content but as a sector of employment for many.

There are, I'm sure, a few people who currently do this full time but I expect the number will grow exponentially as users start realising the potential of utilising this platform for other benefits beyond writing articles. A colleague of mine who is a regular Steemit user today spoke of his goal of writing posts full time on Steemit once he is earning enough to do so .

But writing posts seems to be just one of many possible avenues of potential income on Steemit.

Creativity in this area is blossoming each day as I see new initiatives that benefit from Steemits unique structure. One example is charity. I've seen some excellent causes raise significant sums of money on this platform.


Another interesting service I've seen is the likes of @randowhale where you pay SBDs to receive a whale vote of between 1% and 50%.

Basically, the ease of transferring steem and sbds is encouraging entrepreneurs and innovators to come up with new and creative ways of using the platform.

I wonder how far this will go and what this space will look like a year from now.

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