I was tooling around on my zero-turn mower the other day, lost in my thoughts and pondering on exactly what Steemit is and what it could be. I was considering the genius of marrying a social media platform with a cryptocurrency. I mulled the idea of being in community and the importance of building relationships with other members of Steemit.

In the cacophonous solitude of the engine roar I had an inspiring thought:

What if Steemit was more than just a new social media platform?

What if Steem was more than just another cryptocurrency?

What if Steemit was actually the beginning of a new nation, a virtual nation?

steemit nation.png

What is a virtual Nation, you may ask? describes it as follows:

A group of people (citizenry) that have joined together under a common goal of achieving a better way of life, using a model of government more suited towards their common beliefs. This is usually done through the Internet; however, other methods of communication are possible if limited. The goals of these Virtual Nations can vary radically, but some level of group sovereignty is professed despite no physical territorial boundaries.” (1)

I would add to this definition that a Virtual Nation would be able to issue a sovereign currency to be used within its own economy. Also, a VN would be able to issue official identification for the purposes of transacting personal or business affairs with other sovereign nations.

I think that Steemit matches this definition. Let's run down it and double check, shall we?

  • Steemians are a group of people who have joined together. We’re not bots, fish, cats or snakes (though some of us might have more affinity for creatures than 2 their own legged mammals.)

  • Steemians have joined together under a common goal of achieving a better way of life. Whether that “way of life” is gaining knowledge, finding a little levity for our days, making money, or developing new friendships we all post to the blockchain or curate those that do.

  • Steemit has governance within itself through upvotes and flagging. This is carried out by whales, dolphins and minnows alike. I know there are governing codes and rules that the Steemit platform is built on and operates by as well.

  • Steemians communicate through the internet, yet are able to “meet up” when opportunities present themselves.

  • Steemians claim group sovereignty by transacting business in Steem, Steem Power, or Steem Backed Dollars.

  • *Steemians have unique hexadecimal identification that, when coupled with a photo or some other bio-metric verification criteria would be as secure of an ID as an ID can get. Because of the blockchain it could not be forged or duplicated.

I believe that having a common currency, on a common platform, with common goals is the beginning of a Virtual Nation.

My ponderous inspirations were confirmed just a few days later when I listened to The Survival Podcast, by Jack Spirko.

I’ve been an avid listener of Jack for quite a few years. In a recent episode (2) he discussed the concept of Virtual Nations. As he spoke I couldn’t help but think that what he was describing in theory was now being lived out in reality on the Steemit Blockchain. The very things I was contemplating were being fleshed out right before my ears. For those who have never heard of Jack Spirko, let me be the first to tell you that he has a brilliant mind and is a very persuasive communicator. He is able to see trends and understand concepts that are complex and he can explain them in easy to understand ways. I’d encourage all my fellow Steemians in checking The Survival Podcast out if they haven't done so already.

Do you concur? Is Steemit a Virtual Nation? What else does it require to become one? Should it become one? Inquiring minds want to know.

Let me know. Your comments and insights would greatly be appreciated.

Thanks for reading!

As always,

Bluer is better

Bluer is greener

Be Bluer than green.

1 Bluer.png


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