Dreaming Out Loud: Steemit SUCCESS, Digital NOMADISM, Reuniting with my Aussie LOVE

Imagine waking up one day with a sense of revitalized purpose.

As if your entire life is glowing with meaning again, after a long period of gloomy, dense vibrations. As if your soul has reawakened to its own essence, having suffered from a temporary amnesia. As if your vision is restored, after an apparently incurable myopia.

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YES. That's how I've been feeling since December 2017.

So, what happened, you may ask?

In December 2017 two major things happened that altered the course of my life:

1. I found out about Steemit
2. The Australian guy I fell in love with a year ago in Bali came to visit me in London

The new world that Steemit had the potential to open up for me, after some research, was mind-blowing.

"Oh, I've been dreaming of a platform that would receive my writing for so long..." I thought to myself. "All these years of writing to myself, they are finally going to count for something..."

I'm a writer at heart, ladies and gentlemen.


I have a terribly intense relationship with words which is a blessing, a curse and a salvation, all at once.

It is a blessing because through writing I heal myself, I upift myself, I mature in my understanding of reality, I gain clarity, I receive inspired ideas and I can share them with the world at large.

It is a curse because I am its slave... If I go for too long without my dose of writing, I lose track of who I really am, drowning in a sea of confusion and being at the mercy of external influences.

And it is my salvation because, no matter how many times I lose myself, I can rely on writing to find myself again and again.

So imagine when I found out that Steemit is a platform which rewards authors for high-quality content...

My heart was jumping up and down like a crazy kangaroo! Oh, but wait... that's not all.

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My kangaroo heart started jumping even more when my Australian sweetheart, Elliot Cahill (@et987), visited me in London.

I will share a short account of that momentous visit, so bear with me. It's going to get interesting.

I was in a monogamous relationship at the time with someone 18 years older than me. And I emphasize "monogamous" - ahem, that was an experiment for me after being for 2 years in an open relationship with loads of drama and pain, as well as growth and transformation.

Elliot came all the way from Australia to Europe with his dad, for business and travelling purposes.

When he was in Germany, I felt his presence very strongly. We had a call and I said to him: "You're so close to London now, why don't you come see me?"

I had no idea that this invitation would lead to him driving all the way from Copenhagen to London to hang out with me for just half a day, in a mad rush to get to Munich to catch his flight back to Perth the next day.

Hid dad was sceptical about them making it, but Elliot insisted that they would... And they did. (He's all about living on the edge of his comfort zone while surrendering to life's flow)

Our meeting said it all.

We were eye-gazing for hours at Wild Food Cafe in Covent Garden, while the waiters were waiting for us to place the order... We just couldn't let go of each others' eyes...

To me, it was important at the time to stick to my commitment to my partner at the time. I had to prove to myself that I could keep to my agreements, so I could build a sense of integrity and honour. (I had some issues with breaking my promises in the past)

So, even though we both were burning for a kiss, nothing happened.

But what did happen was a lot deeper than just a kiss.

(Picture taken by Elliot @et987)

Our souls recognized each other. Our sparks were ignited by each other's presence. We became each other's muse, and we were in absolute awe of the beauty we saw in the reflection, perfect mirrors.

He left and the next day my ex broke up with me, not being able to handle the situation.

I knew I hadn't broken my agreement, and I was proud of myself for having passed that test. But my ex couldn't tolerate me harbouring such strong feelings for another man, a man who shone so brightly that all his insecurities were brought to the surface.

Anyway, long story short, that was it. Our bond was secured that day.

We know it, we feel it. We are meant to be together. He is my male version, I am his female version - the same soul in two bodies, recognizing each other's essence as light beings on a never-ending journey of growth, surrender and transformation. Finally, there is someone that we are not "too much" for... Hehe.

(Photo taken in Feb 2017 in Bali, at Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park)

So, now that these two things are very active in my awareness and growing day by day, I cannot help but dream out loud...

I dream of achieving SUCCESS on Steemit.

I am willing, ready and happy to put in all the work that is needed, face all the challenges that will arise, learn all I need to know, share the truth of my heart that I'd been aching to share for so long to the people that genuinely receive it.

I love this community. The more time I spend on it, the happier I am that I got onboard. I have already met some amazing individuals and became part of a few communities, @ecotrain and steemsugars.

Steemit feels like the launchpad for my spaceship of inspiration and service for this world. I want to make the most of it and be rewarded for my hard work!

I dream of creating a digital nomadic lifestyle.

I am a free spirit, and being pinned down to a particular location in order to earn a living doesn't suit my profile. I know people and I keep meeting more who have put in the necessary work and succeeded in creating freedom of movement for themselves and their families.

I would love to be able to travel the world while earning my income online by sharing my talents and gifts with people who will appreciate and benefit from them. I want to shine to the best of my capacity and inspire others to do the same through my powerful written words.

I dream of reuniting with my Aussie love, Elliot.

I could have bought a ticket for Perth for February straight away, but something inside me told me to wait. I recognized my pattern of jumping from one relationship to the next, with barely any time in between for a sustained period of solitude and devotion to my work and passions.

I decided, against my heart's longing, to wait for some time before I merge energy with him. In the meantime, I am solely focusing on my personal and professional growth, on building my Steemit foundations because, folks, I'm here for the long run...

And, guess what? All these dreams, if it wasn't obvious already, are interconnected.

If I have SUCCESS on STEEMIT -> I can work online and travel the world at the same time -> which leads to me being able to travel to Australia to reunite with my beloved, Elliot.

It's a very simple equation in my head.

It is a beautiful big dream, and I am taking active daily steps in making it happen.

I believe that if I devote myself with full power, perseverance, determination, faith and love, my dreams will come true.

And quite possibly in an even wilder fashion than what my mind is capable of envisioning. I am expecting the unexpected... Ready to receive whatever the universe thinks is for my greatest growth.

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So... Universe... I am ready. I am ready to experience SUCCESS on Steemit, to create a digital nomadic lifestyle and to reunite with my soul's reflection, Elliot.

Thank you. Shoot away...

I do believe in the power of intention. I feel like this post is more than just a simple post, it is a prayer, a manifesto, a ritual. I am putting energy outwards, so it can come back to me in greater measure. Manifestation times, baby...

I warmly invite anyone who feels guided to share any guidance, tips, inspiration. How can I make the most of my time and energy on this platform? What are the challenges of digital nomadism? What are your personal experiences related to this?

By the way, I am sharing a weekly series called Diary of a Free Spirit. If you liked this post, you might also like: Diary of a Free Spirit Ep 1 - Introduction and Diary of A Free Spirit Ep. 2 - The Inner Voice. Stay tuned for more episodes!

Thanks for taking the time to read about my dreams. Your presence and support means a lot to me. I hope all your dreams come true as well!

Be You, Be Wild, Be Free!


(Photo taken in Bali in Feb 2017, at Sekumpul Waterfalls)

I'm part of the @ecotrain community. Check out our weekly magazine and discover incredible inspiration, life stories and tips for sustainable living!

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