My first Steemit London Meetup - The REVOLUTION is happening, and we are part of it!!!

Things are happening at an increasingly faster pace than ever before, aren't they?

I've only just recently joined Steemit and I instantly fell in love with the community vibes and the innumerable possibilities that are opening up for me on this platform... Such as striking beautiful connections with real-life Steemians in the heart of London!

Yesterday I joined @redrica, @teodora and @immarojas at Gallery Cafe in Bethnal Green for food and drinks.

These lovely ladies received me with warmth and friendliness, and I immediately felt part of their group.


It was a lot of fun finding out about the latest Steemit gossip, drama and projects, as well as crypto news... I am a newbie in all these areas so I switched to my sponge/listener mode, absorbing as much information as possible and trying not to feel too overwhelmed! Apparently they all feel like that sometimes, so I'm not the only one...

@Redrica has already touched on the main subjects we discussed during the meeting in her post here, so I decided to write this post to go a little deeper into the subjects that I feel most excited about.

1. Meditation

It looks like we're surfing a big wave with more and more meditators popping up on Steemit, with @eco-alex launching a meditation challenge this week. Join the challenge here!

After the beautiful feedback I received after my post on how meditation is changing my life for the better last week, I've amped up my meditation practice and now taking it to 30 minutes every day!

@Redrica and @teodora are also keen on meditation and we convinced @immarojas that she needs to try it out too! She said that she doesn't really make time for herself, as she gives so much to others... We concluded that meditation would undoubtedly give her more time and space to be present with herself, get to know herself better and allow the deeper aspects of her being that can reawaken in stillness and silence. Which leads to the next topic...

2. Self-Love and Self-Empowerment

We all shared experiences from the last few years of our lives that taught us the primordial importance of loving and accepting ourselves unconditionally.

@teodora said that when she was in her twenties, there were so many things she disliked about herself. She saw other people with the same issues, and wondered how were they coping??!

Not long after, life brought her in certain groups and circumstances that propelled her on a personal development journey, and slowly but surely she started working on herself to release the resistances, judgments and frustrations that were poisoning her mind and disconnecting her from a deeper truth of her being... that she is perfect already as she is!

Now she has such a light-hearted and cool attitude towards herself and life, and all the work she's been doing has paid off! Of course, as she acknowledges, she still has issues... what has changed is the attitude towards the issues! A little self-love, one step at a time, goes a long way...

@Redrica also shared with us how important it is for her to take some time off from her family responsibilities (she loves her two children very much, but she loves herself as well!) and have a self-care practice. She confessed that she loves these Steemit meetups because her soul feels nourished and rejuvenated through interaction with like-minded people, and this is one of the ways in which she demonstrates self-love to herself!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." said Marianne Williamson and it is so true. This quote left us speechless for a moment, as it was sinking in our hearts...

We realized that indeed, with self-empowerment comes a lot of responsibility, commitment, effort and determination to bring our vision and intentions for a better world into alignment with our actions. But what else is there to do now? The world is changing, and is changing fast. We have to step up our game and do the best we can to make conscious choices with a meaningful and positive impact on our society.

There is no more time for smallness, fears or excuses. We are being pushed from all directions to birth something better, something new. I can see it happening more and more, before my very eyes, and Steemit is undoubtedly one of the many ways the collective shift is taking shape.

3. Healing Childhood Wounds and Family Constellations

I don't remember how we ended up talking about deeper stuff like healing ancestral traumas... but we did!

@teodora and I shared our experiences of this powerful therapeutic tool called Family Constellations, how it shifted some of our outdated perceptions and empowered us to make more conscious choices based on who we really want to be, not who we thought we should be (based on stories of the past).

@teodora said that attending a Family Constellations workshop helped her transform the way she related to men and escape a vicious cycle of blame and negativity. She also shared that you don't have to even have your case worked on directly - simply representing someone else's family member in their case helps with so many personal insights and realisations...

I totally agreed. I expressed my view that participants of a FC workshop are attuned to a higher intelligence, tapping into the collective unconscious, so therefore whatever is needed for the highest healing and growth of everyone involved will arise during that session. You can see it like a potent transformational vortex.

Actually, last year in in December I did a FC workshop with my friend Anu Azrael, a talented and skilful therapist (check him our here). The client who had her case worked on picked me to represent her daughter. She placed me in between her and her husband, and guess what? It was the exact same arrangement that my real mother did to me during my childhood. The clarity that came as a result of seeing this in front of my eyes was quite uncanny, but things made so much more sense.

Family Constellations is a powerful tool to resolve long-standing family issues and dysfunctional dynamics that are at the heart of our current life issues. I definitely recommend this to anyone interested to gain more insight, clarity and resourcefulness in addressing the mental and emotional blocks standing in the way of achieving success in life.

4. The CryptoSpiritual Revolution

Yes, it is happening and we are part of it!!!

We discussed how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are changing the world for the better, giving power back to the people who had been robbed of their power for centuries.

And what's so good about it... is that it's never too late to join! I myself am completely new to the cryptoworld, but so many of my friends are already deep into it and I kinda have to jump on the bandwagon as well... I can see how this can revolutionize my life!!

These three ladies were discussing the latest coins, apps and their portfolio... while I was preparing myself mentally and spiritually for entering this world.. very soon :)

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Those were the main points that made my heart beat a little faster... as well as just really feeling the connection between so-called strangers, who came together in the name of Steemit and left feeling like family... :)

The magic of connection is real, and is happening the more we drop our defences and share our truth from our hearts, in full vulnerability and openness.

I'm looking forward to the next meeting, which is already set for the 2nd of Feb. Any other fellow London Steemians are more than welcome to join!


Be You, Be Wild, Be Free!


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