Look for medium size Steem Power holders like me minnows! Read this post and understand it to grow your Steemit account. I am not Greedy, I am here to help you build wealth!

For those of you who do not know me, I am a 46 year old man who has been involved in crypto currency since 2011. I understood blockchain, bitcoin, alt coins, leverage, lending, arbitrage and trading very early on because I was consumed and fascinated with what bitcoin brought to the table. I am more excited about Steemit.com than anything I have ever seen on the internet up until this point in human technology.

Many of you are already followers of me and some of you will be new followers if you take the time to finish reading this valuable information I am about to share with you to help build your Steem Tokens here on Steemit.com

@Broncnutz is a Crypto OG and I can help you here but, in order to do so.....you must help me. When you up vote my posts you move to the top of the "list" under the drop down arrow showing he voters. (I look at where you rank) These people are also known as the "Curators" of my posts and can gain rewards for voting my post according to how much steem power you hold. As of right now @broncnutz holds approx 58,000 Steem Power and I will make a pledge to you today that I will remain in full power up mode for at least three years. This is a good thing for you MINNOWS!!!!! You up vote me and it gives me more of a share of the mining pool which I then spread around to you every single day. I am not a greedy Steemian, I understand that this site must grow to millions of users for me to obtain the type of returns that I am looking for. I have gained followers fast so going forward I must construct a set of guidelines you must follow in order to obtain up votes from me. It's only fair to share them with you.

  1. POST QUALITY CONTENT! Nothing in life is free right? Take a little time to think about what you want to post that others might find helpful.

  2. You must follow me and up vote my posts if you expect me to "tip" all of your comments. I tip almost every comment for the first 72 hours to help everyone out. The better the comment, the better the tip. I might miss youy comment today but I will notice you down the road so please keep trying. I WANT TO SHARE THIS MINING POOL WITH YOU!!!!!!

  3. If you re-steem my posts, I will up vote your comments with larger percentages of the pool. If you happen to write a blog where you mention that @broncnutz helped me with this or that.....I will upgrade your rewards. This is all give and take. The more steem power you help me collect, the more of the pool I am going to give back to those who helped me get it. I will not cash out and I will not power down.

  4. If you comment is worthless, you get a worthless up vote from me.

  5. I will randomly give minnows my full up vote power everyday, but I will ONLY UP VOTE 100% power 10 times a day, so the up vote power stays strong for all of you to benefit.

  6. ***IMPORTANT**** IF YOU REALLY WANT MY FULL UP VOTE ON YOUR POSTS, YOU BETTER BE HOLDING THE MAJORITY OF YOUR FUNDS AND REWARDS IN STEEM POWER. Listen, I invested a lot of money here and if you all hold Steem power you help the security of the network this site can grow like wild fire. If you are cashing out rewards to an exchange I am not interested in helping you as much as someone who is not doing that and thinking long term. I want to make millions here and I think I can......but I must go long and I am going to incentivize you to go long with me on the @broncnutz Steem train.

If you have commented on my posts then you know.....I ALWAYS GIVE BACK!!!! Many of you have seen me go to your blogs and up vote your posts to help you get started. I cant do it for everyone everyday but I can promise you that you will be noticed and I will reward you if you help me.

Up vote my posts, my comments to you, re-steem my posts and help me drive more followers here and you can trust that @broncnutz will give the love back to you 10 fold. Lets do this together.

Please comment below if you have been happy about the generosity I have showed you here so that others will join the @broncnutz steem power train and they can help get their accounts off the ground & inspired just like I helped you.


The OG Broncnutz-

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