Story of an honest Steemian. Honesty in today's world it still exists!!

Great Story of honesty by a fellow Steemian @beatenegg.

Over the years I've been ripped off, over charged, stolen from, not been repaid, scammed, etc so many times to expect dishonesty by default. That is the reason I try in my posts to show I'm not a scammer. I do indeed pay the winnings and run as honest of a contest as I can that adds to the community.

On SteemIt I've read many great stories of people helping people. From introduction posts, contests giving steem, advice, encouragement and on and on. It is a great community that is starting here and I'm glad to be a part of it. There are many projects on Steem to help others it is a great community.

I made a mistake today while sending out the daily SBD for entries (which is 1 SBD to a participant). I accidentally clicked send max right before I hit send didn't even know until I looked at transfers. The send max link is close to the send button on Chrome. So with a misclick all my SBD earned from posts and contest prizes I mistakenly sent to a Steemian I didn't know @beatenegg.

Immediately I got that sick feeling in my stomach when you know you made a costly mistake. I give SBD to participants in the contests as prizes and tips so losing mine was gonna hurt. I figured I was just going to be out the money. With block chain technology there isn't a lot of ways to fix mistakes. I googled and found asking for the return of the SBD is the first step. So I asked for it to be returned. I needed the SBD for the contest and to help with my families monthly bills which I put in the message asking for it back.

I was hoping so badly it would be sent back. But, I figured I was just out the money. I would fund this weeks prize my self since that would be the only fair thing to do. My mistake shouldn't hurt people that enter the contest. I'm not rich so losing that amount was going to hurt and then paying the contest out of packet would double the damage.

To my surprise the money was returned by @beatenegg. I was happy that the money was returned. A reward I think is the right way to show gratitude for returning property. He decided to do the right thing so I wanted to make sure I also did the right thing. @beatenegg has a sick child and said he was going to use the reward for medication for his child. This showed to me a true man sending back my SBD when he could have kept that money. I have 3 kids and understand bills to keep them healthy so that makes his feat of kindness toward me even more note worthy. @beatenegg deserves to have his honesty and kindness recognized in my opinion so this post is the least I can do for him.

Many thanks for your honesty, and for reminding me that there are honest people in the world.

Links to the contest I'm running this week:

Past contests so far:

I'd like for him to get back more then he sent me via goodwill for doing the right thing. Steemit lets show people doing the right thing can payoff in the long run and being dishonest only works in the short term. I'll be splitting proceeds with him from this to add to what he has for his family.

Upvote this post if you agree honesty over dishonesty.


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