Trending posts finally made me realize the main problem with SteemIt and how to solve it!

Below you see some problematic statistics of the top 15 posts in trending. The specific statistic i want to make you aware of is the view-voting ratio.

The problem

These 7 out of the top 15 trending posts have the same problem: a view-voting ratio of over 1.0! What this means (if the views are fairly accurate) is that many curators have voted on the post without viewing the actual content. About 50% of the top 15 trending posts have been curated by a majority of curators that didn't view the content. In 2 of the 15 cases over 90% of the curators haven't viewed the content of the post! I don't know about you, but i don't like it all that there is no algorithm in the SteemIt protocol to prevent this, or at least heavily penalize curators that do this.

The cause

In my opinion the main cause of this behavior is "panic voting", because of the way the protocol implementation is right now. Everything in the protocol causes curators to feel rushed and pressured.


A very simple solution to this problem is not allowing curation right away. To make it even better, the amount of time that curators aren't allowed to curate should be based on the amount of data (text and pictures) in the post. This way it gives curators the opportunity to ACTUALLY curate. This small update to the protocol will improve the fairness of this platform really, really drastically!

Don't forget to follow, resteem and browse my channel for more information!

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