You aren't following and resteeming enough people! (SteemIt exposure guide)

Hey you, yes you, did you know there's something that rewards content creators way more than your upvotes? "Oh you mean directly donating to people, right?" No, there are 2 ways which are actually orders of magnitude more rewarding than that: following and resteeming! Let's dive into why:

How curators can find your content:

1. [New]

Potential exposure:

Very low.


  • Not many people scan more than the first few pages, so probably 99% of the content isn't discovered here.
  • Your post is only exposed for a very short period of time.

2. [Hot]

Potential exposure:



  • Not many people scan more than the first few pages, so probably 99% of the content isn't discovered here.
  • Less people view posts in "hot" than in "trending".
  • To actually get decent exposure here you need to already be relatively popular or be extremely lucky.

3. [Trending]

Potential exposure:

Very high.


  • Not many people scan more than the first few pages, so probably 99% of the content isn't discovered here.
  • Only already extremely well earning content is shown here.

4. [Promoted]

Potential exposure:



  • This time you can actually influence the amount of exposure directly. The more you pay, the higher the exposure!

5. [Tags]

Potential exposure:



  • Not many people scan more than the first few pages, so probably 99% of the content isn't discovered here.
  • A lot less people browse in actual tags.

6. [Feed]

Potential exposure:



  • Potential exposure to 1000's and 1000's of users "for free"!
  • Consistently more exposure compared to being on the trending page once in a while
  • If your followers resteem something, your exposure increases exponentially!
  • It does take months and months to build up followers though (and a little bit of luck).
  • Having a lot of followers is the absolute best way to be a successful author on SteemIt and if you work hard you can eventually even make a living out of it!


Next time you find content worth upvoting, make it your absolute highest priority to check out the blog history of the author (if you aren't following the author yet). If the blog history is interesting to you, give them the well deserved follow! Browsing their blog history gives you potential entertainment and/or education you otherwise never would have experienced just upvoting posts. The content that is out there is much, much more interesting than the curation rewards, which are almost nil anyway. You both benefit more from a follow than an upvote.

Don't forget to follow, resteem and browse my channel for more information!

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