My Upvote and Resteem Service

Upvote Resteem3.jpg

Well everyone seems to be doing it these days so I want to explain how my Upvote and Resteem Service works. All you have to do to qualify is post awesome original content. If I like it I will upvote it! If I really like it and want to make sure more people see it, I will resteem it! See below for FAQ related to my Upvote and Resteem Services.

  • But Gnashster, how will you see my post in the first place?

It is true that I cannot possibly follow everyone on Steemit, nor could I keep up with my feed if I attempted to do so. There is a very good chance that if you post awesome original content, I will not ever see it in the first place! To rectify this, simply leave a comment here with a link to your post containing awesome original content. I promise I will read each and every post linked here - and if I like it I will upvote it and if I really like it I will resteem it!

EDIT Going forward I am going to ask that folks leave me one link at a time in the comments. I am not saying one link for eternity - if you make another awesome original post at a later date, feel free to come back by and drop it off in the comments. However if you leave me links to multiple posts in a single comment, I will not check them all out nor will I upvote your comment nor posts. Likewise don't submit a horde of single submissions in one day all pointing to different posts.


Don't spam my service.

  • How much does your Upvote and Resteem service cost?

It is free! No charge! I know this is a strange concept, but I believe in the Steemit Gift Economy. Pay it forward!

  • But do I have to upvote and resteem your post to qualify for your service?

Nope. You do not have to upvote nor resteem any of my posts. Just drop me a link to your original awesome content in the comments below - that is it. If you want to upvote and/or resteem this post, or any of my other posts, do it because you want to. Do it because you think it is original awesome content. Don't do it because you feel obliged to.

  • Can I help curate the comments here?

    Yes you can, thanks for asking! It would be absolutely wonderful, but absolutely not required, if you spent a little time looking through some of the other comments with submissions for my upvote / resteem service. If you like a post that has been dropped off here, remember that it was likely submitted by a fellow human being not unlike yourself.

Consider a double upvote policy; upvote the comment here to move it up what is rapidly becoming a very long comment thread; and upvote the post itself. Again this is absolutely not a prerequisite for using my service, but it will help to make the comments here a useful place to look for awesome original content as upvoted by awesome original content creators.

  • But Mr. Gnash, you are a minnow! What am I really getting out of this?

    In all fair disclosure, I am indeed a minnow.

Current Steem Power = 181

My current Steem power is only 181, yielding an upvote of $.01 to $.03 depending on my current voting power.

Current Followers = 486

I only have 486 followers at the time of this writing.

I will say that I am on an upward trajectory, with pending post payouts that will almost double my Steem power. I have no intention of slowing down, so stick with me my friends - and I will stick with you :)

I submitted a post and you haven't upvoted or commented!

If you submit original content and I have not upvoted or replied, it means I have not seen your comment yet. Give me some time. The bot-free nature of this service means it will not be instantaneous. I may miss your submission the day it comes in. I do promise to check the comments of this post regularly and will reply to and upvote all awesome original content (as defined by me very loosely and inclusively).

But you didn't resteem my post! Do you hate me?

No I don't hate you. To tell the truth I have a lot of love to give - I love you. I also love all the positive interactions that this post has already generated and I certainly want that to continue. On the other hand, I don't want my blog to become an uninterrupted stream of resteems. Going forward I am going to have a pretty high bar for content that I resteem. Don't take it personally if I don't resteem your post. I am setting a hard limit of three resteems a day for myself, and NO resteems on a day if I am not planning to post any original content myself that day.

Bonus Reward

In addition to my meager upvote and potential resteem, I will leave you an honest comment with my reaction to your post. This may actually be the most valuable part of my offer, as honest comments seem to be relatively hard to come by here. I can't promise it will be a positive comment, particularly if you fail to note the "original content" part of my offer. What I am offering here is a genuine human interaction with no bots attached (sorry bots, nothing against you in general but I do like my human interactions).

Double Bonus Reward

You will actually get two upvotes from me. I will upvote your reply here as well as the post you link to.

Double Top Secret Bonus

I will follow you if I like your original awesome content.

How did you make the cover image for this post?

I used the Deep Dream Generator. Check out my very in-depth guide to using the Deep Dream Generator here . For this piece, I trained the neural network in the style of this original drawing:

wirebot small.png
Wirebot - Carl Nash

I then generated two new images in the style of Wirebot from a picture of my face and the text "UPVOTE RESTEEM":

carl smaller.png
Old picture of Carl, I am pleased to note that my upvote/resteem service now comes with 500% more beard!

Upvote Resteem text SMALL.png
UPVOTE RESTEEM text - Rosewood Std font

I then combined the resulting images to form a composite image in Photoshop:
Upvote Resteem3 SMALL.png


Much Love!

Cheers - Carl

Steemit Logo created by @rmp

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