Can Steemit Help Me Buy My House?

I'm going through the process of buying a house right now. As a result, my posts here on Steemit have declined a little, as the amount of time I have left outside my day job has dwindled given all that goes into getting documentation together, looking for homeowners insurance quotes, starting to pack up my apartment, etc., etc.

When I first started on Steemit a couple months ago, I had no steem. In fact, I have very little cryptocurrency at all – a few $$ worth of BTC from playing around with faucets back in the day. I became aware of Steemit because my friend @dmaddock1 told me about it. As someone who spends his days writing content for other people, I figured Steemit could be the thing that lets me earn a few extra bucks by jotting down my thoughts. You know, enough to upsize my Happy Meal or go see a movie from time to time.

What I didn't consider was that Steemit could actually become a meaningful income stream – like, something that could earn me enough money to buy a house, or a car, or fund my book-buying habit. (It's bad, folks, really…) The hard-fork hit right after I signed up, and after enjoying a taste of some great early posts, the rewards dropped drastically for awhile.

But over the last week with the great uptick in the price of steem (and in cryptocurrencies in general), I'm really starting to see a new path here. None of my more recent posts have done superbly, but that's okay – I'm more about the long and steady path forward. Would I love some more high-paying posts? Of course! But the idea that Steemit and steem could help me pay off my house has me pretty excited.

I'm not at the point yet where I'm making enough to pay down my full mortgage on a monthly basis, but I have certainly earned enough in the last couple months to take a big chunk out of it, especially if I can keep pushing forward, posting regularly, connecting with others, and generally having a good time while earning those vests and steem dollars.

What about you all? Do you have thoughts and dreams about what Steemit can help you accomplish? It doesn't have to be a physical thing you buy – perhaps it's something more nebulous, like financial independence in general, or traveling the world, or whatever.

Here's to Steemit and a long-term plan of success and fortune!

Can Steemit help me buy this house?

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