Who to follow Daily - Noobs for Boobs

I've got your attention now, don't eye (Pun intended). You see, sex sells and this why you probably opened this post in the first place. The first thing your eye saw was the word "Boobs", just admit it. That was what brought you here. And since you are here I invite you to follow up to your urge to open this post in the first place. Read on you scruffy scallywag!

Q: If sex sells then why don't we all use it in our posts to sell those said posts?
A: Because not all of us have a degree in marketing!

However, if you look around on Steemit you'll find loads of trending topics not having any sexuality in them at all. True. That's because we all are grown adults who have easy access to Pornhub. We watch it, heck, I bet if anyone is serious enough to analyze both Steemit and Pornhub's traffic and cross references it you'll find that during low activity on Steemit Pornhub's servers are overloaded and vice versa. So sex really isn't the Unique Selling Point for most of us. We all are very very very serious about our blogs.


Just to give you something to feast your eyes on

That said we find that loads of of new people join daily and they are really important to grow our community the way it should. In fact, what most veterans or people who been here longer than a week tend to forget is that it's quite some work to understand the concept of Steemit in it's totality. After a few days even you get used to the site and everything around it and step by step you get to know some people.

Don't spam

For newbies however, as was I just a couple of days ago, it's very immense. All the information that you come across. And if you are here for the money but you don't have any earnings after your first post it's hard to get motivated to stay longer and learn more about it. Of course we have guys and girls that try to guide you and lend a helping hand. But getting spammed a few hundred times a day by url's of someone's first post isn't quite rewarding I can imagine.

That's why I came up with this daily lists of who to follow. Just to get newcomers a headsup. Sometimes the list may contain a name thats allready on a previous list. It is not my intention to duplicate content but as Steemit gets thousands of new users daily I believe using the same names more than once will actually make a difference for those newcomers.


As I am busy building a network myself (and I'm bloody serious) with a vision to truely help newcomers, give credits to the ones that deserve it and combine new vs experienced I hope that people will see the value of these posts in some way or another. For me that's really a missing piece of the community at this moment. I have been a helper all my life and I can really see me fullfill that destiny in here.

Surely I am

Where are the boobies you promised us?

No boobs here, sorry. However I have a nice and juicy list compiled for y'alls to follow and learn from;

@Papa-pepper Top dawg, first winner in the upcoming James Hetfield lookalike contest to be held anytime soon on Steemit. I consider him a true Steemian as he basically left Youtube joined youtube with the sole purpose to post on steemit. You should really check him out so you can learn a thing or two about blogging at all. Check out his vlog about himself to learn more.

@battleaxe True help to newbies. Extremely active on Discord chat. Really helpfull. Be carefull tho, she is very experienced and will not hesitate to correct you. Listen when she speaks and respect the lady!

@steemitqa Another very active member on Discord. All about the upcoming Twitter-Steem crossover @Zappl (Also a nice one to mention). Knows alot and will share that knowledge if under pressure.

@aggroed Another Witness. Passionate Steemian. Is everywhere always. Online 24/7 and will upvote you if he deems it neccessary. Great blogs with loads of advice. Before starting to blog you should check out his Steemit tips

@ackza Fairly new user (Joined March 2017) But Steemian from the heart and his heart is in the right place. If you are a newcomer you should take a look at one of his blogs. One recently is about sharing his SBD with a Steemian in need. If you are one, look him up and follow him.

@varunsangwan Also know as Mr.Dark on Discord. Community builder, Helper to those in need and very patient. Helped me understand some parts of Steemit at times I needed the help. Steemian with passion!

@firepower This guy is a true motivation for all the new Steemians flowing in. Started consequently blogging at a daily rate and managed to earn a corporate year income within a month on Steemit. Every success has a story to tell and you can read his story right here

Yesterday's "who to follow"

These are the "Who to follow" for today. If you are looking for more people to follow I would recommend reading up on my previous posts Who to follow Saturday edition


With all religions come Witnesses who see the miracles up close. As a practising Steemian I vouch for these witnesses

Allthough I don't fully understand the concept of being a witness I can tell that these guys are the reason why Steem is Steem. They are the beating heart of Steemit and everything that is connected. I will add one more witness daily for the next 27 days untill my votes are done. If you believe you should become a witness and deserve a mention please don't hesitate to either reply to this post, contact me on chat or discord (@cem) or try to raise your attention otherwise.

Cheers y'all and Steem on!Cem.jpeg

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