The result of a 24 hour Facebook Ad Campaign for Steemit

Last week I decided to carry out a small marketing campaign on Facebook destined to Spanish speakers, my first focus was to target people in Venezuela since I thought that Steemit could also become a way to help people in need. The post of the campaign can be found here

The post got 78 votes but only received 4 dollars, which lead me to believe that maybe it is not yet the time to be attracting Spanish speakers to the platform or that big holders didn't really liked the idea. Either way I decided to cut the campaign short and I stopped it after 24 hours, however there is some interesting data that I would like to share with you:

We were able to reach a total 36,183 facebook users, this means that the ad was seen by this number of people, but let’s be honest most of them just scrolled past it. Nevertheless there were 173 clicks to, which is not a bad numbers for the 4 dollars I was charged. I directed the users to /trending/spanish/?r=chitty but I have not had the opportunity to ask @ned or @dan about the actual conversion rate, I am hoping it to be about 10%, which would mean we got at least 17 new registered users.

However the most interesting stats I got from this 1 day test campaign were the demographics:

Well for those of you that don't speak spanish that graph is telling us that people between the ages of 18 to 34 were more attracted to the ad, this is expected as younger people tend to be more tech savvy. But the real surprise for me was seeing how more women (mujeres) saw and clicked on the ad, this is unprecedented in the Crypto community.

From this campaign I can conclude two things:

a) Ads in some third countries are really cheap!
b) Steemit is different from any other crypto-project out there, is the only one that is able to reach the “normal” population, it is breaking the entry barrier for crypto and it is the true Bitcoin killer app people were waiting for.


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