Like any other human community is Steemit producing a lot of shit. We all know that quantity and quality are not alike. For any of you who invests a lot of time in writing a good quality post... it's only getting harder and harder for our posts to be noticed as we're being pooped on by an increasing amount of Steemshit. The pile of Steemshit is getting bigger and bigger and you must have noticed that. The Steemit community grows rapidly and so does its steaming pile of stinky Steemshit!
But how do we stop shitting?
1. Don't be that "Steemit-Gambler"
As the community grows, so does the amount of posts/minute ratio. I've read many posts about "Steemit-Gambling", the process during which people post low effort Steemshits hoping that a whale or dolphin would bite. Believe me, nobody likes shit and many previous posts have already explained that "Steemit-Gambling" is an ineffective strategy.
2. Take your time before you post: be patient
We all know it's exciting to click on the "post" button and to see whether people will enjoy reading our post or not. But believe me, you should take your time before you click that button. Be sure that your post contributes to the Steemit community. At least be sure that you would upvote your own post in case you were someone else reading it. Otherwise simply don't post, right?
3. Create a niche, be different
Before you start writing about a topic you should check whether other people have already written a (former) trending post about it. It's not cool to copycat other successful articles hoping that it will be noticed and appreciated again. Many recent posts have explained that we should be ourselves, we should be original, etc etc. Yep, I believe they're right: be yourself, be original!
4. Focus on what you find interesting, not others
Read this sentence carefully: don't tell others what they want to hear, but do tell others what you want them to hear. Focus on topics in which you're interested and passionate to write about. That way, your passion and interest will unconsciously be carried out through your work and will make it priceless. So don't focus on others and don't focus on the money, because eventually you will be rewarded if you carry out your valuable self, your passions and your opinions.
5. Be honest, give feedback!
If someone shits really bad, you can just tell him or her! I believe that by giving feedback we'll contribute to the quality of posts on Steemit. I'm not telling you to be negative and all that, be kind, but be honest too! For example this reply:
"I have to admit I skimmed most of the article because I knew my head couldn't handle the details but it seems well thought out and written. You might also want to add some pictures to break up the slabs of text in future posts. Makes it visually more interesting to read (even if the pics are not 100% necessary)." @canhazlulz
If something is plagiarism, let people know so they can avoid this the next time they write something. When you think my post is shit right now? Tell me it stinks and tell me what I could have done better! Even when a post has many upvotes but you honestly think the post is shit? Don't upvote it!