The future of education is on steemit

 If the market would be free, the governments would fire the teachers. Why should you pay thousands of teachers when the pupils do not listen, when then ask their smart phones when they are looking for an answer. 

 For France where I am living it would not be tolerate to fire 400 000 public teachers. But the programs really do not fit any longer the needs of the society. 

 Young people have to learn how they can collectively build wind and solar farms to provide their energy needs, rather than to continue to pay for oil. They have to learn to design open source electric vehicles and batteries. They have to learn non violent communication to better collaborate together. They have to learn how to use steemit to ask questions. 

 You can learn all that on steemit for free and earn money by teaching other people what you already have learn yourself. 

 In the US the situation is even worst, The parents pay hundreds thousands of dollars for their children to go to university. 

 Jean Pierre Lepri, education authentique, explainsste that you learn what you need. The two first examples are    

  1. Learning to walk 
  2. Learning to speak   

Everybody have been successful in these two very difficult situations.
 So stop going to college and learn for free on steemit what you need to learn. Contribute to the community to earn money wich is not limited by central banks. End unemployement of young people. Let's make a better world.

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