Balancing social media and face to face communication. (ecotrain)

Balancing social media and face to face communication.

Come on guys! I know people on social media can't see you unless you are using a camera or a very recent picture, which means you don't have to wash your face and be representable, even on your worst hair day you can pretend to be a respectable person. ;-) And they for sure can't smell if you have rancid armpits or what you had for dinner last night. You can think for a while before replying to a comment, without someone telling you 'Hey day dreamer!' That's lucky. But what about the advantage of having a person in the flesh to talk with.... Oooooh scary! They can actually 'touch ' you and have so many means to. They can look you in the eye and see what's actually going on. They can hear by the sound of your voice how you are doing. And they can extend a hand when you need comforting or they are feeling affectionate towards you. This interaction goes much deeper, we are much more vulnerable out in the real world, then we are on social media. People can actually see all of us and not only our most advantageous angles. You wouldn't post about tripping over the doorstep at the bakery would you? Well it happens in real life. Are we scared? Do we prefer living in our heads in the social media world, moving only our eyes and the tips of our fingers to type, because we don't want people to laugh when we trip?
I can make faces with emoji's, but wouldn't you rather see the expression on my real face? God made our faces very flexible so the expressions we can make with them are almost endless and so are the nuances. You can not only see whether I am sad, but you can see how sad exactly I am if you know me a little and you know how to read my face. On top of that sound comes with it. God made our ways of expression ever so much more versatile then the options on social media could ever be.


• Wash you face in the morning and brush your teeth and if your really excited to meet people, also do the armpits. For the hair you can go for the 'Just out of bed' style no problem. :-)

• NEVER refuse a hug from a real person in the room because you are chatting on social media, when you like that person. It could be your only opportunity in the day to get a hug and if you refuse often, they might stop offering altogether.

• Same goes for conversation with somebody. Just pretend the person sitting at the bus stop is someone on social media if that makes it easier for you ;-) But don't go trolling them cause they' re right there and that could be dangerous.

• Watch 'Wall-e'. You know, that Pixar/Disney movie where all the people are sitting in floating chairs drinking their food with a straw from a cup so it doesn't interfere with their 'online' activities on the screen in front of them. Even if a friend happens to float next to them their heads stay focussed on the screen because they interact with each other only through the screen. It's brilliant!

• Go out and feel the light of the sun or the moon on your face instead of the light on your screen. That way you might feel some lifeforce/prana coming from those God created light bodies and remember the living world is full of it, unlike the virtual world.

• And last, do enjoy the wonderfull possibility of remote communication on social media and all the fun stuff people from all over the world are posting there, just don't let it get out of hand. It's something that should 'enhance' your life. Not take it over. At least that's how I see it.

Love and inspiration for you.

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