Is Steemit Addictive?


Hola. Doctor Sigmund Fraud here with some fresh, compelling evidence that Steemit may be addictive.

Don't be alarmed however, as recent studies have shown that for people with chronic anxiety, Steemit is actually less addictive than Benzodiazepines. If you happen not to have chronic anxiety however, you may wish to put some measures in place to ensure you don't become addicted to this new crazy internet money drug. It's just like cocaine. Don't believe me? Try cocaine, you'll see. Very similar feeling to creating content.


Addiction Is Preventable

Follow these basic steps to avoid Steemit addiction.

1 - Place photos of your loved ones near your computer. Their dismissive gaze will shame you into switching from Steemit to hardcore pornography at least twice a day.
2 - Get addicted to something else. This is surprisingly effective, although it can be rather expensive. Pro tip- Don't try getting addicted to marijuana. Best to stick with old reliables like gambling or heroin.
3 - Commit a felony. Can't use Steemit if you're in jail.


You may already be addicted.

The symptoms are a double edged sword, hence the image above of a girl with a sword.

Aside from bleeding eyes and losing all your friends, Steemit addiction may also cause:

  • feelings of worth
  • actual wealth


Don't suffer in silence, like the guy in the pic.

If you find yourself addicted to Steemit, you're not alone. There are many more like you, and there is a place to go. Check out the Steemit Addiction Helpline to take your first steps towards freeing yourself from this terrible, enriching drug.

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