"Make Money Online" - The Steemit Opportunity Is Unprecedented


Steemit wipes the floor with MMO schemes.

STEEM and Steemit have many unprecedented attributes, but I want to focus on one specific aspect today; the opportunity, and the very realistic prospect for anyone to make money from home, without needing a computer science degree.

Some years ago, with failing health and between careers, I looked into the idea of working from home. Armed with a laptop and some HTML tags, surely there would be abundant opportunity. I was right, and wrong. The opportunity wasn't mine. Rather, it was me. The best opportunity in the "make money online" (often abbreviated to MMO) space has long been about taking money from those entering the same sphere. A sort of virtual cannibalistic circle jerk, if you will.

The Minefield Of MMO Training

Of course, everything online is commercial in one way or another. So let's define MMO before we go on. Simply put, it's about the ways in which one can make money online, without the necessary skills or resources to develop and promote a useful web application. People in the space often call themselves "internet marketers" or "content marketers". Of course, these are genuine and valid occupational descriptors, but some people add rather a large pinch of salt.

Entering the world of MMO, wide-eyed and wondering how best to approach it, you will be bombarded by marketers, all promising rich rewards if you use their system. The more skeptical of us might ask, "if you're making 1000 bucks a day from a simple system, why are you going to such effort to sell the instructional PDF for 10 dollars?" ..

No place online does the cannibalistic circle jerk better than Warrior Forum.. Aside from the various forums on the site, there is a dedicated section for "Warrior Special Offers" where people sell their MMO strategies. Indeed, people on Warrior Forum talk about the "MMO niche" being the most profitable, without any sense of irony.


I should at this point, register my recognition that I'm on Steemit writing about Steemit, but please hear me out. Anyway, it's not all bad news on Warrior Forum. If you have any sense of skepticism and can sort the wheat from the chaff, there is a lot of valuable information you can learn there, from Wordpress basics to SEO, and more generally, how the world of content interacts with the world of money. Indeed, some of the more successful internet marketers have very diverse skill sets, that may or may not include programming.

One of the more popular methods is to write niche content on a blog, and link to affiliate sales pages. The link is unique to you and if a product is purchased, you're awarded commission. Amazon Associates is one of the more well known schemes of this kind, but there are hundreds. The hard part is getting your content seen, so you need to know some SEO. It also requires you sticking with it. Real rewards are possible, but without instant satisfaction, many will quit before giving themselves a chance of success.


Outside of affiliate schemes, there are of course, myriad ways of making money online. Passive income such as that from stock photography might be ideal, but many are happy to work as they are paid. Instant rewards are a great incentive. Elance is a popular freelancing website and Fiverr emerged later to simplify the whole process and introduce the concept of "gigs", starting at only five dollars a pop. A race to the bottom? Sure, but you don't have to take part. More intrepid marketers will see the potential of outsourcing work to Fiverr, but then, that's more money being spent.


Look at the cracks in his smile. Fiverr is killing his soul.

So for a very long time, while there has been opportunity, it was not without risk, and even if you couldn't code, you did rely on developing a certain skill set.

Enter Steemit

There are so many disgruntled posts on Warrior Forum and similar sites, where people have made huge efforts to make some money by working from home, and it just didn't happen for them. They might have a great work ethos, but without mentoring, technical skills, or perseverance, they might never even know where they're going wrong. If only there was a way one could just grind like crazy, and see some rewards, any rewards.

Steemit is the answer to that need.


We've never had anything quite like this. For the first time ever, anyone with an internet connection can work hard and make money, with the least barriers to entry, the least risk, and relatively speaking, the highest potential reward.

Investing your time into writing on Steemit is:

  • instant
  • low risk
  • demonstrably rewarding
  • cumulatively rewarding
  • easy and fun

The more work put in, the more you are rewarded. The system isn't perfect of course. Some will get more, or less than others, but if you focus on yourself, creating unique content and positive interactions, the rewards will come, and over time, they will be worth the effort. So, no more excuses. If you're here reading this, you have the potential to start making real money, right now. What are you waiting for?

Words: @condra /// Photos: Pixabay.com

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