There has Been a Massive Surge in Steem Powered Up. Would The New Whale(s) Please Stand Up?

There has been a disturbance in the force. According to the amount of Steem Powered up has nearly doubled. There has been a jump from 5,000,000 to almost 9,000,000 in the Steem supply swap into a powered state at the end of September.

This massive power up comes at the same time as we see a surge in the price of Steem finally ending its continous decline. This price recovery has been rumored to be linked to the news of @furion's SteemQ project which aims to bring peer-to-peer video to Steem's blockchain.

So, does anyone know where all this Steem Power went to? Can anyone identify our new Whale overlords? Was this just existing whales reinvesting? Could this also coincide with @charlieshrem's rise to power as a witness?

No matter who powered up and why this appears to be good for Steemit/Steem someone has decided to put their money where their mouth is and lock-in some substantial wealth for 2 years on the Steem blockchain.

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