There is post currently sitting on the trending page receiving a massive amount of support. I am shocked to see so much support for what appears to be a cookie cutter boiler plate scam. The article I'm writing about is this one: @matttrainer/steemit-based-reality-game-announced-usd10-million-prize-pool by a new user @matttrainer.
The post oozes of self aggrandizement and boiler plate marketing tactics designed to use your human weaknesses against you, specifically greed. Here are a few choice excerpts from the post:
I've been teaching for years and I have several hundred successful students. Many have made more than six figures in just a few months. One star student even did $2 million in sales ONE DAY from the game I taught him.In just one of the games we have, a 71 year old newbie grandma made $6,800 in her first month.
What is this crap? Am I watching an infomercial from the 90s at 2AM? Everyone's alarm bells should be ringing when they read this kind of stuff. It is a get rich quick scheme and it's obvious. The whole article reads like this. It's completely disconnected from the title and doesn't even flow as a coherent article. I thought I was going to read about a game on Steemit not about how much money he's made for everyone his life.
So who is Matt Trainer?
If you do a quick Google search with Matt's name you'll find that about half the results are scam reports and warnings. Here are just a few:
The rest of the results look a lot like Matt's article. Just BS fluff content about how rich he can make you.
Why is this getting upvoted?
I will admit that I can't prove that whatever Matt is up to is a scam. It certainly looks like a scam though and it should be obvious to anyone reading it. Why is his article getting so much support from Bitshares whales? The amount of upvotes on that post is disgusting. I'm guessing most of the big voters are also major BTS holders and want to help grow that system. But come on have some integrity. Is this the kind of thing you want people to associate with Bitshares? Shadey scammers with cheesy and transparent pitches. Yuck.
@matttrainer has left Steem folks here is what he changed the post in question to:
"Bye steemit. You're not ready for this."