Keep Hustlin’ Hard... But Don’t Forget to Enjoy the Ride


My good friend and former co-worker gave me this little “motivational card” to keep on my desk when she left a few months back. It read, “In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed”. She knows how I’m committed to the hustle and am always working hard on side projects and businesses. She is a very holistic and grounded person, and was always a good reminder for me to slow down and simply enjoy the little moments in life.

She knew I needed to keep this little reminder close by, which is why it’s right next to my monitor and I look at it every day. I usually have plenty of excuses running through my head as to why I don’t have time to stop. “ I can relax when I’ve reached my goals”, or “I’m never going to reach my goal of financial independence if I don’t give it 110% effort”.

What I’ve actually found to be true though… is that by allowing my mind to stop and rest, or do things simply for the enjoyment of the activity – I can tap into my creativity more. When I can peacefully approach a task or project, then it actually turns out better because I’m not battling through all these barriers in my mind. By putting my focus on “hustling hard”, I’m really missing the point. The point isn’t to get as MUCH done as possible, but to create my best work and do things that I can be proud of.

When I stop to reflect or enjoy, I no longer feel stuck in the rat race, but instead feel open to all the possibilities in front of me.

So I challenge you – If you are like me and sometimes feel like you are hustling hard, but running in place – give this a try. Maybe schedule a little time for yourself every day to meditate, read, make music, draw, color, go for a walk, or whatever makes you feel centered and vibrant. Think about the things that make you smile, and then go do that.

My “I can’t help but smile” activities include making music, and going for a walk in nature. On these walks, I love to really take in and appreciate each tree, branch and flower I pass. I may not be getting much cardiovascular activity on these walks, but it fills me with gratitude and peace.

If you feel like sharing, I’d love to hear what your “I can’t help but smile” activities are!

xo, @coruscate

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