Day 23 Full Time Steemit(I won 100 SP)

All is back to normal today, well almost normal. Woke up this morning to working internet and electric, today is a good day. This means I can do my original plan which is to light the stove in the kitchen, and do some work in there today.

Today will be everything about the podcast day, researching, jingle making. Promoting the contest the fingers will be in many pies toda, and I shall be wearing lots of hats. Narrator, Producer, Editor Having only till Monday time is short I need to get most of the recording done today, and then spend time editing, good thing is I wont be far from the kettle. Bad thing is the Bathroom is upstairs.

WhatRUat Show MSP Waves.

Last night I tuned into the WhatRUat show hosted by @doghause and @buckydurddle, whom I believe are from Canada. I kind of figured because when they said Kerr (Car.) I love the accent it's fab.
If you have never listened to this show, it is probably one of the funniest things I have listened to. Two hours of nonsensical mayhem, creation of new nouns and adverbs, and well grammar is just thrown out of the window (I fitted in beautifully.) They even sang me my own theme tune, I am telling you these guys are crazy.


I was up till 2 in the morning listening to the show, learning new nouns and adverbs like Chach. (Everything is Chach) so here is an example of Chach.
My dog will never be far from his Chach.
So last night they held a contest where they gave three random words which were, Chach, Nagganadit and Like you would (LYW). And you had to create a sentence with them using as an adverb and a noun. So I entered and made the sentence as follows.

When you think about your nagganadit, at 12 o clock midday like you would, you start to scratch your chach, it feels so good but don't do it at 1 or your nagganadit will fall off.

The prize was for 100 SP delegation and whoa I could not believe it that I only went an won the competition, I was on such a high I forgot it was 2am and proceeded to wake up the household, not a good idea.

Pretty sure to say that these guys now have another fan and I will be regularly tuning in now on Tuesdays.

We should be supporting the likes of MSP.

It's important that where we can we should be supporting the MSP platform and other platforms like Steemstar Network. These people, are volunteering their time to serve the steemit community and its where all the cool cats hang out. You can find the show line up on MSP Waves here. And you can find the line up for Steemstar Network here. Let's be sure to support them all we can like the support they give us.

Speaking of radio you will find that I am going to be appearing on @pennsif radio show in the next few weeks, I am being interviewed on Friday for it, I will keep you posted when it is to be aired.

So there we have it, I believe that today is going to be a great day, I dedicate this day to the Chach.


Have an amazing day.

The STEEM Engine


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