Can ~Anybody~ Out There, *Please* HELP Me? Desperately Seeking Editability...

"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward."
- Kurt Vonnegut -

I'll admit it up front:

I've just about reached the end of my rope. I alternate between crying and laughing...

This is my fourth post appealing for help.

For those whose immediate response is not a cynical "Ask me if I care?" - here are links to my previous three appeals:

🆘I'm Still Jonesing For That "Edit" Button! - Please???🆘
TIL... Now I'm REALLY Frustrated With the STEEMIT User Interface!😤
Seeking EDITABILITY Beyond Seven Days!

I'm starting to feel as pathetic as I fear I must sound...

Nevertheless, "hope springs eternal," and so I will ask again:

Is anyone listening?

Is there anybody out there who can help me "unlock" the ability to edit my older posts?

I'll pull out all the stops...
I'll be a drama-queen...
I'll ask the question as many ways as I possibly can...
I'll even attempt to illustrate all the myriad ways...

Can *Anybody* HELP Me?

Can Anybody HELP Me?
Image courtesy of Sasin Tipchai and

You see, I had this great idea...

I created a Topical Table of Contents for my Steemit posts. I got tired of being "only as good as my last post," and wanted to make it easy for my readers and followers to access my entire library of posts without having to scroll several miles down through the SSI (Standard Steemit Interface).

My great idea spawned a couple more.

I began keeping a List of Post Ideas as a way of helping myself remember what I want to write about in the future.

Also, because I "follow" too many people to practically keep up with on a regular basis, I created a sort of "Favorites List" to help me make the rounds of my favorite authors. I curate manually, and don't want to forget to both read and support the authors who I most appreciate.

When I began these projects,

published posts could be accessed for editing for up to one month. On a daily basis, I would update these posts with new TOC entries, new article ideas, and any changes in favorite authors.

On roughly a monthly basis, I would re-post these "special files" with updated contents, changing links where necessary...

I was all excited for HF17.

HF17 was supposed to provide the ability to edit old posts.

My excitement was short-lived when I discovered that matters were now far worse, that I would have to create revised versions of my "special files" on a weekly basis! Bollocks!

Can *Anybody* HELP Me?

Can Anybody HELP Me?
Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann and

Could you possibly throw me a lifeline?

Do you have the skill to write a utility that can "unlock" an older post and let me edit it?

I've been informed by developer @vandeberg that the necessary infrastructure already exists.
(EDIT: Said to exist in a "plugin" for HF19?)

Just go to this previous post on the topic, and you can see his helpful input. He offers several references that sound promising. (Scroll down to the comments below that post).

However, I'm frustrated out of my gourd, because I can't access this ability as a user and content creator!

Can *Anybody* HELP Me?

Can Anybody HELP Me?
Image courtesy of Dawn Sinclair and

I'm even willing to try and write a utility myself.

However, before I can even attempt that, I need a helping hand.

I need some guidance as to how to set up the right "build environment" that would let me access the Steemit blockchain. I need an understanding of the framework and tools necessary for constructing such a beast.

Can anyone point me to a "ground-up" description of how to write a Steemit utility? I know how to code; I can learn language tools quickly; however, I need guidance, possibly a complete example, as to how to "set things up" to perform that task.

Can *Anybody* HELP Me?

Can Anybody HELP Me?
Image courtesy of Steve Buissinne and

I'm sure I could find better things to fret over...

I would really like to fret over something else, but my fundamentally OCD nature keeps bringing me back to this issue!

I really want this! I'd be willing to throw some (modest) amount of Steem or SBD towards someone with the skills to move this issue forward.

My blog is now so long / large that I think I actually need multiple files in order to create a hierarchical table of contents. And, as I have already thought of three uses for permanently editable files on Steemit, I'm sure that other creative folk will be able to think of many others?

Can *Anybody* HELP Me?

Can Anybody HELP Me?
Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann and

And so, can you help me? Will you?

All efforts to help accepted... Suggestions, utilities, upgrades, build framework guidance, heck, even a little sympathy would be nice?

Do I have to declare a State of Emergency?

Can *Anybody* HELP Me?

Can Anybody HELP Me?
Image courtesy of Andrew Martin and

I know I'm stressing over this too much...

The length and pathos of this article probably tells you that pretty clearly!

Would begging help???

Can *Anybody* HELP Me?

Can Anybody HELP Me?
Image courtesy of Dean Moriarty and

Shockingly, I'm not too proud to beg, at least not today!

Can *Anybody* HELP Me?

Can Anybody HELP Me?
Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann and

Can you tell I'm desperate?

THANK YOU in advance for any help you may be able to offer...


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Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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