Registering My Discontent - STOP SCREWING WITH THE U/I!

"I rant, therefore I am."
- Dennis Miller -

Fasten your seat belts, apply your ear plugs, and lean into the raging wind....


I protest.

What are we, a bunch of children?

Do we really need Steemit programmers to hold our hands?
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Hulk MAD!
Image courtesy of ErikaWittlieb and

All of a sudden,

every freakin' external link in all of my Steemit articles have BOTH a graphic AND a hover-warning.

After every link, there is a little out of the box arrow symbol.

That's right, folks, all those annoying little "[->" symbols scattered all through this (and now EVERY OTHER) article in my blog, those extra lines and spaces, the DIRE WARNING that

"This link will take you away from $"


Oh, that's right - the Steemit U/I programmers need to have something to do - heaven knows, they are too busy to give us THE ABILITY TO EDIT OUR OWN ARTICLES that was promised a year ago.

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Image courtesy of Mary Pahlke and

Formatting articles on Steemit is hard enough.

I don't need any more "help" from the Steemit powers-that-be.

Come ON, guys... Anyone who has been on the internet for more than a day knows that links take you places - that they can take you anywhere.

Have you ever heard the term caveat emptor?

Sure, you want to educate and help the naive among the Steemit audience, but please don't burden every link on every page with this obscene overload.

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Please don't burden every link.
Image courtesy of Martine and

Whose genius idea was this?

Surely you can find a better way to gently warn Steemit users. Why not be classy about this, instead of visually trashing ever page on the site?

Hey, how about this.

How about a redirect page?

Go ahead, put whatever warning you want on it. Ask the user if they are sure they really want to leave Steemit.

But, for crying out loud,

don't clutter every article with warnings. WAIT FOR THE CLICK and THEN warn the naive user.

Please restore a clean visual interface.

Eliminate the little boxes and arrows now.

Do it today. Then you can go back to whatever it is you were smoking...

[End of rant.]

Now that you know how I really feel about this,

Fellow Steemian, What do you think?


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I can't believe they're at it again!
Image courtesy of Clker-Free-Vector-Images and

For more rants, raves, and complaints, CLICK our Library Steemit Shelf.

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Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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