THANK YOU - Celebrating My First 100 Followers (And A Sincere Apology To Some Of You)

In which I share some philosophical reflections on the Steemit experience...

As I begin to write this celebratory post, I actually have only 98 followers; but I can see the handwriting on the wall!

My follower count has been creeping up at a surprising rate recently. I observe this fact with a mix of joy and trepidation. And so I work hard to polish this post and make ready. When the count hits 100, I'm pulling the chain.

YEE-HAAH! Today I Learned that my follower count has now risen to 100!!!

Celebrating 100 Followers

Celebrating 100 Followers

Photo courtesy of Matt Popovich and

I wish to begin by extending a hearty Thank You to all my followers.

Some of you have been "Johnny On The Spot" when it comes to noticing my posts, upvoting them, and re-Steeming them. For these kindnesses I am truly grateful.

And so I feel that I owe at least some of you, my loyal followers, an apology for not being able to repay that kindness in kind. Busy as I am with survival issues and other necessities of day to day life, I don't check my Steemit feed as often as I would like.

The "One-To-Many" Reciprocity Problem

I have observed that there is an insurmountable problem with (but not unique to) Steemit.

As a Steemit author, I want my following to grow. I need a following. What good is an author without readers? If I write the most poignant poetry, pen the most beautiful prose, what good does it do if no one reads it? You, my followers and my readers, are the very reason I write. I would not be here if it weren't for you.

Yet, if you happen to also be a Steemit author, I may not be able to support you as well as you've supported me. I won't have time to read every one of your articles. I'll too often be "late to the party" when I ought to be available to vote for your posts.

I also find myself reluctant to "re-steem" posts. This is not because I don't notice posts worthy of greater attention; it is, rather, a deficiency I perceive in Steemit itself. I can only wish there were a means for people to view my blog either with or without re-steemed posts. It would be nice if readers (and myself!) had a simple way to keep them separate.

And so, favorite authors, I apologize to you now, because I know that it's just not possible to read all that you write, to vote for all your "good stuff," to be sure that I'll never miss an opportunity to boost your Steemit reputation or add to your payout.

However, all may not be lost.

As my follower you may not aspire to be a great author. You may simply be here for a good read. If that is the case, friend, read on. I hope that you will be richly rewarded by the curious content that I have to offer.

And So Today I Celebrate 100 Followers.

This seems a small number compared to the many hundreds or even thousands of others; yet if my writing can regularly reach and positively influence even a modest sized audience, I will feel that my efforts have been worthwhile.

I am also poor in SteemPower, but find it gratifying to see it build up, bit by bit, as a result of my writing (and of the random migratory patterns of the occasional whale). Besides hoping to entice new followers, I write for SteemPower exclusively.

Having said that, it wouldn't hurt my feelings a bit to become more widely read, and to build up a bigger head of Steem. Back in the day when I was blogging for Ron Paul, I reached tens of thousands.

Who knows what the future holds as I continue to publish here?

Celebrating 100 Followers

Celebrating 100 Followers

Photo courtesy of Andrey Larin and

I want to close by giving a "shout out" to a few of my followers whose work has been a particular blessing to me.

THANK YOU. You've made me laugh, you've made me cry. You've surprised me. You always make me think. I am grateful.

To @bmwrider, and his fascinating series about being an inner-city teacher. Thank you for somehow managing to notice and upvote all my work.

To @mattclarke, It was this article of yours that originally got me thinking about the imbalance between writer and follower.

To @lakshmi, Thank You for inspiring me with What is a haiku/ haiku challenge.

To @johnjgeddes. If you aren't following John and reading his evocative poetry or brilliant, startling stories like this one, you are surely missing out.

To @lifeworship. Thanks for your amazing short sci-fi stories like this one, as well as your thoughtful interaction via comments.

Friend, Thanks so much for "dropping by."

I Want Your Support; I Need Your Support; I Crave Your Support!

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